
Course Project (TSP Solver)

Primary LanguagePython

The base file contains the code for parsing the arguments and calling respective functions.


The file writes the various parameters in proj_object variable the structure of which is defined in GraphCreation.py as follows:

self.graph = netx.Graph() : The graph is stored in the form of a networkx object i.e. a list of (source,target,{weight:10})

self.params = {'max_time':600,'rand_seed':0} : These parameters define execution timeout time and random seed to initialize from

self.dist_type = 'EUC_2D' : This is the distance type to use. This is already taken care of while creating the graph

self.file_name = '' : Input filename

#################################Output Format##############################

Each function should return 3 values:

  1. Minimum Distance (min_dist)

  2. Best Solution Path/Tour (tour)

  3. Trace Data which stores execution time and best solution found till that time in a list(trace_data). e.g.:






The output is currently written in output_test folder which will be changed to output folder finally

############################################################################# The versions used of additional libraries were:

networkx==1.11 numpy==1.15.1

To run this file, use the following syntax:

Usage Syntax: inst: filename.tsp alg: approach desired time: seconds seed: integer

python TSP_Main.py -inst Atlanta.tsp -alg LS3 -time 600 -seed 0

Following algorithms have been implemented: LS1 - Branch and Bound (Aditya) LS2 - MST Approximation (Anirudh) LS3 - Iterative Local Search (Leonardo) LS4 - Simulated Annealing (Anirudh) LS5 - List based Simulated Annealing (Anirudh)