
Introduction to Git

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This is an Introduction to using git version control and github, I had with some learners at the the last ALC Meetup.

We covered:

  1. What is Git.

  2. How to Install Git on our lcal mechine.

  3. Some basic git CL commands such as-

    • $ git config --global user.name "name"
    • $ git config --global user.email "email address" (To configure gitbash)
    • $ git clone "URL" (To clone a remote repository from github)
    • $ git add (To Snapshots the file in preparation for versioning)
    • $ git status (To Lists all new or modified files to be committed)
    • $ git commit -m "[descriptive message]" (To Records file snapshots permanently in version history)
    • $ git push (Uploads all local branch commits to GitHub)
    • $ git pull (Downloads bookmark history and incorporates changes)