
Udacity Advanced Cloud Devops NanoDegree Project

Primary LanguageShell


Deploy a high-availability web app using cloudformation


In this project, you’ll deploy web servers for a highly available web app using CloudFormation. You will write the code that creates and deploys the infrastructure and application for an Instagram-like app from the ground up. You will begin with deploying the networking components, followed by servers, security roles and software. The procedure you follow here will become part of your portfolio of cloud projects. You’ll do it exactly as it’s done on the job - following best practices and scripting as much as possible.


stack output

LoadBalancerDNSName : http://serve-webap-1j1rmnkf9wdz4-1042927043.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com/



$ ./create network network.yml network-parameters.json
$ ./create server server.yml server-parameters.json


$ ./update network network.yml network-parameters.json
$ ./update server server.yml server-parameters.json


$ ./delete network network.yml network-parameters.json
$ ./delete server server.yml server-parameters.json

baison server

to use remember to uncomment key KeyName in LaunchConfigration and baisonserverInstance