
This project is made to experiment all the useful libraries in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is made to experiment all the useful libraries in node.js

Packages used till now:

express: is a Node.js framework. It is used to simplify some of the basic tasks.

mongoose: is a Node.js module which is used to interact easily with MongoDB databases.

csprng: is used to generate random strings which is used as salt which is used to generate more secure hashed password.

connect: is a express middleware which is used to parse form data, and to use logger which prints the request in the terminal.

nodemailer: nodemailer is used to send mail using SMTP for resetting the user password.

crypto: crypto is a Node.js module used to generate SHA512 hashes.

gravatar: This simple Node.js module is used to get the Gravatar Image URL of the user.