
Create a application for get attendence data from ZKT device.

Primary LanguageC#


Create a application for get attendence data from ZKT device.

Programming Module

Uses: Full documentation of this project

Folder Structur:

  • root

    • bin
    • Core
    • Core Service
    • dll
    • Properties
    • Utilitis
    • view
    • RegSDK
  • Main Execution File: Program.cs

  • Configration File: App.config

  • External Function Libray File: zkemkeeper.dll

  • External Database Libray File: Oracle.DataAccess.dll

  • Master File: Master.cs


  • Setup.xml
  • SetupMachineList.xml
  • Oracle.DataAccess.dll
  • zkemkeeper.dll
  • Microsoft .net framework 4.5

First you need to register the SDK in your System. For register the SDK you simple Register_SDK.bat in RegSDK folder. you need to install Microsoft .net framework 4.5

Set the computer time in HH:mm A/P & date in dd/MM/yyyy format.


  • Install Microsoft framework 4.5 or higher
  • Install ZKT 5.0 Attendance Managemnet Software
  • Set the system date format to DD/MM/YYYY
  • Add the device list in SetupMachineList.xls file
  • Create a shortcut of Att.exe and past it on desktop
  • Run the application

XML File Writting Rules

Please first open the ZKT 5.0 software. Add the device ip and check the connection is ok or not. After that we add the device ip in XML file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

In this content we can see some tage which is <device0>, <machineNo> , <ipAddress> , <port>,<pass> ;

  • <device0> In this tage we write the device index. If we have 2 device then we can write: for 1st device <device0> some code </device0>; for 2nd device <device1> some code </device1>;

  • <machineNo> In this tage we write the machine number of device. if we have 2 device the we can write: for 1st device <machineNo>101</machineNo>; for 2nd device <machineNo>102</machineNo>;

  • <ipAddress> In this tag we wite the device ip number. If we have 2 device then we can write: for 1st device <ipAddress></ipAddress>; for 2nd device <ipAddress></ipAddress>;

  • <port> In this tag we write device port. The default port is 1515.

  • <pass> In this tag we write device password. If device have any communication paswword.


Workable Class name:
// Main class

// Core class

// Utilitis class
Workable Function name:
// Mian function
Class: Program Fun: static void Main(String args[]);

// View function
Class: ConsoleViewV2 Fun: public ConsoleViewV2(String zktSetupPath, String setupPath);
Class: ConsoleViewV2 Fun: public void showConsole();

// Controller function
Class: AttendenceDataWriteInTxt Fun: public bool consoleProcessForAttendence(String zktSetupPath);
Class: CoreZkt Fun: public ICollection<AttendenceInfo> GetAttendenceLogData(CZKEM objZkt, int machineNumber);
Class: CoreZkt Fun: public bool GetConnection(CZKEM cZKEM, string ipAddress, int portNo);
Class: CoreZkt Fun: string GetDeviceInformation(CZKEM objZkeeper, int machineNumber);
Class: CoreZkt Fun: ICollection<UserIdInfo> GetUserIdList(CZKEM objZkeeper, int machineNumber);
Class: CoreZkt Fun: List<UserInfo> GetUserInformation(CZKEM objCzkem, int machineNumber);
Class: CoreZkt Fun: ICollection<AttendenceInfo> GetAttendenceLogData(CZKEM objZkt, int machineNumber);
Class: CoreZkt Fun: int GetMachineNumber(CZKEM objZkt);

// Database function
Class: UpdateInDatabase Fun:  public void getUserInfoFromDatabase(OracleConnection connection);
Class: UpdateInDatabase Fun:  public void storeLogDataInDatabase(decimal machineNumber, String userId, String timeDate, OracleConnection oraCon);
Class: UpdateInDatabase Fun:  public ICollection<MachineSelector> getMachineListFromDatabase(OracleConnection oraConn);
Class: UpdateInDatabase Fun:  public void setMachineInfoIntoDatabase(int machineNumber, String ipAddress, int portNumber, OracleConnection oraCon);
Class: UpdateInDatabase Fun: public ICollection<String> getSelectedTimeDateFromDatabase(String date, OracleConnection oraCon);
Class: UpdateInDatabase Fun: public Boolean checkIfIsNotExists(String timeDate, OracleConnection oraCon);

// Utilitis function
Class: AttendenceInfo Fun:  public string getIndRegID();
Class: AttendenceInfo Fun:  public int getMachineNumber();
Class: AttendenceInfo Fun:  public void setMachineNumber(int number);
Class: AttendenceInfo Fun:  public String getIpAddress();
Class: AttendenceInfo Fun:  public int getPortNumber();
Class: AttendenceInfo Fun:  public void setPortNumber(int number);

Class: SetupUtility Fun: public void xmlWriter(String host, String serviceName, String userId, String password, XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter);
Class: SetupUtility Fun: public void writeMachineInfoInXML(int machineNo, String ipAddress, int port, XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter);
Class: SetupUtility Fun: public void writeZktFileLoc(String lodingPath, String storePath);
Class: SetupUtility Fun: public String getZktFilePath(String lodingPath);
Class: SetupUtility Fun: public List<MachineSelector> getDeviceSetupInformation(String filePath, String rootNode);
Class: SetupUtility Fun: public XmlNodeList getDatabaseSetupInformation(String filePath, String rootNode, String selectedSubNode);

Class: UserInfo Fun: public string getDwEnrollNumber();

Describe The Program

  • 'zkemkeeper' this is SDK file of zkt attendence device. Please add this SDK in references of project if it doesn't have.

  • Program.cs file is the main runable file where have:

private static String zktFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "SetupMachineList.xml");
private static String dbaFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Setup.xml");

//This code user for load the XML files.
Application.Run(new WindowFrom(zktFilePath));

//This code run the main function with load XML file.
  • WindowFrom.cs file have full design of application.
  • CoreZkt.cs file is main interface class of this application.
  • CoreZktClass.cs in this file have some useable functions which is help to get device connection and device information:
GetAttendenceLogData(CZKEM objZkt, int machineNumber);
GetConnection(CZKEM cZKEM, string ipAddress, int portNo);
GetConnection(CZKEM cZKEM, string ipAddress, int portNo, int comPass);
GetDeviceInformation(CZKEM objZkeeper, int machineNumber);
GetUserIdList(CZKEM objZkeeper, int machineNumber);
GetUserInformation(CZKEM objCzkem, int machineNumber);
  • AttendenceDataWriteInTxt.cs this file have core function which is help to get attendence data from device and write in text file:
consoleProcessForAttendence(String zktSetupPath, String workFromDate, String workToDate);

//This function get data from Device;
userAttndData = zkt.GetAttendenceLogData(objZkt, selector.getMachineNumber());
// This code get data from zkt device using SDK;
userList.AddRange(zkt.GetUserInformation(objZkt, selector.getMachineNumber()));
// This code add recived data into array list;
//This is output format of data 105:00020001990:20191125:195420:11

String[] part = chekingData.Split(' '); // string like '19:54:20 2020/08/20'
// This code split the data date and time data by white space;

String[] datePart = part[0].Split('/'); // '2020/08/20' to {2020,08,20}
// This code split the only date by slash;

String finalDateWithFormat = datePart[2] + datePart[0] + datePart[1];
// This code make final output format of date;

String[] timePart = part[1].Split(':'); // '19:54:20' to {19,54,20}
// This code split the only time data by semicolon;

String finalTimeWithFormat = timePart[0] + timePart[1] + timePart[2];
// This code format final output format of time;
// This code add final output data in text using file writer class;

Discussion Of Functions

1. static void Main(String args[]);

This is main function of this application. This function load when we execute the program. Frist it get the XML file path by ' System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "SetupMachineList.xml") ' this statements then run main view class.

2. public ConsoleViewV2(String zktSetupPath, String setupPath);

This is conustroctor of view class. This function get xml setup path by [ zktSetupPath, setupPath ]

3. public void showConsole();

This function show the text in windows console and get input from user. Fristly it show company information then call controller function.

4. public bool consoleProcessForAttendence(String zktSetupPath);

This function work for get attendence from device and write on txt file. Par [ zktSetupPath ] for get setup file and return True if it's successfully write data on txt file other return false.

5. public List < MachineSelector > getDeviceSetupInformation(String filePath, String rootNode);

This function work for get Device setup information from XML file. In XML file have device number and ip address. This function take two prm [filePath] takes XML file location and [rootNode] takes prents node of XML and return a list of device info.

6. public bool GetConnection(CZKEM cZKEM, string ipAddress, int portNo);

This function check the connection computer with device. [cZKME] take object of root class, [ipAddress] take ip address of device, [portNo] take connection port number where computer send request. If it's work good then return true other false.

7. public ICollection < AttendenceInfo > GetAttendenceLogData(CZKEM objZkt, int machineNumber);

This function get attendence from device and return all of data in a collection. The prm [objZkt] take the root class object, [machineNumber] takes the device number who connected with computer.

8. ICollection < UserIdInfo > GetUserIdList(CZKEM objZkeeper, int machineNumber);

This function get all user id list from device and return by a collection. The prm [objZkeeper] take root class object, [machineNumber] takes the device number who connected with computer.

9. List < UserInfo > GetUserInformation(CZKEM objCzkem, int machineNumber);

This function get all user id list from device and return by a collection. The prm [objZkeeper] take root class object, [machineNumber] takes the device number who connected with computer.

10. public void getUserInfoFromDatabase(OracleConnection connection);

This function get user information from database ZKT_USER_INFO table and store in a array. The prm [connection] take Oracle database conenction object.

11. public void storeLogDataInDatabase(decimal machineNumber, String userId, String timeDate, OracleConnection oraCon);

This function get attendence log data from array and store it in database ZKT_ATTENDENCE_LOG table. The prm [machineNumber] get device number, [userId] get current user id number, [timeDate] get attendence time and date, [oraCon] get Oracle connection object.

12. public ICollection < MachineSelector > getMachineListFromDatabase(OracleConnection oraConn);

This function get machine number and ip address from ZKT_MACHINE_INFO. The prm [oraConn] take Oracle connection.

13. public void setMachineInfoIntoDatabase(int machineNumber, String ipAddress, int portNumber, OracleConnection oraCon);

This function store machine information in ZKT_MACHINE_INFO table. The prm [machineNumber] take device number, [ipAddress] take device ip address, [portNumber] take device connection port number, [_oraCon] take Oracle connection.

14. public ICollection < String > getSelectedTimeDateFromDatabase(String date, OracleConnection oraCon);

This function get attendence data from ZKT_ATTENDENCE_LOG by given date. prm [date] take searching date, [oraCon] take Oracle connection.

15. public Boolean checkIfIsNotExists(String timeDate, OracleConnection oraCon);

This function check get time already entry or not in database. prm [timeDate] take time and date which try to match in database, [oraCon] take Oracle connection.

16. public string getIndRegID();

This function return user REG id in String format.

17. public int getMachineNumber();

This functon return device number in int format.

18. public void setMachineNumber(int number);

This function set device number.

19. public String getIpAddress();

This function return device ip address in String format.

20. public int getPortNumber();

This function return port number in int format.

21. public void setPortNumber(int number);

This function set port number.

22. public void xmlWriter(String host, String serviceName, String userId, String password, XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter);

This function write database information in XML file. The prm [host] take oracle host address, [serviceName] take oracle service name, [userId] take Oracle user name, [password] take user password, [xmlTextWriter] take object of text writer.

23. public void writeMachineInfoInXML(int machineNo, String ipAddress, int port, XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter);

This function write device information in XML file. The prm [machineNo] take device number, [ipAddress] take device ip address, [port] take port number, [xmlTextWriter] take xml writer object.

24. public void writeZktFileLoc(String lodingPath, String storePath);

This function write file path in XML file. [_lodingPath] take root node of XML, [storePath] take ZKT db file path.

25. public String getZktFilePath(String lodingPath);

This function return ZKT db file path from XML file. The prm [lodingPath] take root node of XML file.

26. public List < MachineSelector > getDeviceSetupInformation(String filePath, String rootNode);

This function return a list of device information from XML file. [filePath] take XML file location, [rootNode] take root node.

27. public XmlNodeList getDatabaseSetupInformation(String filePath, String rootNode, String selectedSubNode);

This function return a XML node list from XML file. [filePath] take XML file location, [rootNode] take root node name, [selectedSubNode] take sub node where information store.

Application Output

Output 01:

105:00020001990:20191125:075438:BLANK !!:11

Output 02:


Explain the output

105 -> This is machine number
: -> Notation
00020001990 ->  Cardno or sec no
: -> Notation
20191125 -> Date by (Year Month Day)
: -> Notation 
075438 -> Time (HH mm ss)
: -> Notation
BLANK !! -> Notation
: -> Notation
11 -> Notation

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