
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nonprofit Exchange Hub (working name)


  • Platform for non-profits and citizens to collaborate in a giving economy.
  • Primary tech stack: PostgreSQL, NestJs, and React
  • Please make sure to read our contributing/how we work doc before getting started

Installation and Setup

  1. Setup PostgreSQL Database and OPTIONALLY wrap in Docker container
    • Install postgres if you do not have it already https://www.postgresql.org/download/
      • Make a note of your username and password
    • note: you can skip the below dockerize step if you want to run postgres locally
    • Docker Installation - Follow instuctions for your specific platform:
      • Docker
      • Confirm installation of Docker: $ docker -v
      • Docker Compose
      • Confirm installation of Docker Compose: $ docker-compose --version
  2. Download or clone repository.
  3. Run nvm use to ensure you are using the proper node version
  4. Install required dependencies by running npm install from within /server directory and from the /client directory.
  5. Copy the below environmental variables into a .env file that you create in /server directory
  1. In that .env file we'll now customize some of those values
    • If you are using the non-dockerized version of postgres, change the DATABASE_PORT value to 5432
    • check if postgres is installed: postgres --version
    • check if postgres service is running: brew services list | grep postgres (leave out the piping to see all brew services)
    • commands for service management:
      • start service: brew services start postgresql
      • stop service: brew services stop postgresql
      • restart service: brew services restart postgresql
    • once postgres is running, try psql, it will say Password for user USERNAME, try some usual passwords
      • if you get in:
        • put that username and password in the env vars
        • run \list to list DBs and put one of them in the DATABASE_DB value
      • if you don't get in:
# list databases:
$ \list
# list users:
$ \du
# create postgres user with postgres password:
$ create user postgres with encrypted password 'postgres';
# add superuser role to postgres user:
$ alter user postgres with superuser;
# add create role role to postgres user:
$ alter user postgres with createrole;
# add create DB role to postgres user:
$ alter user postgres with createdb;
# add replication role to postgres user:
$ alter user postgres with replication;
# add bypass RLS role to postgres user:
$ alter user postgres with bypassrls;
# check password is set and roles are assigned:
$ select * from pg_shadow;
* if you aren't using homebrew, here are some helpful resources and commands
# https://www.robinwieruch.de/postgres-sql-macos-setup/

# create postgres database (should only need doing once?)
$ initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
# start server (optionally add/remove `-l logfile` to move log from terminal to a file)
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start
# stop server
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop


  1. Run nvm use to ensure you are using the proper node version
  2. If using postgres-dockerized workflow, from /server directory, run npm run start:dev:db
    • Terminal should show a successful start of the docker container, but this can be confirmed by running docker ps in terminal to view all running containers. One should match the name of container_name from docker-compose.yml file
  3. To start Nest backend in watch mode: From /server directory, run npm run start:dev.
  4. To start up React frontend: From /client directory, run npm start. A browser page should start up automatically. If not, visit localhost:3000.


Most tests are still in development.


From the /server directory.

# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


From the /client directory.

# unit tests
$ npm run test

Postgres & Docker

Running Postgres Test Database from the Docker CLI

  1. Open and run the Docker desktop app
  2. Start database: $ npm run start:dev:db
  3. Start server: $ npm run start:dev
  4. From a new terminal window:
# get a bash shell in the "postgres" docker container:
$ docker exec -it postgres /bin/bash

# login to your database:
$ su - postgres

# enter the PostgreSQL environment:
$ psql

# connect to the test_db database:
$ \c test_db

# From here you should be able to see all of the tables in the test_db with:
$ \dt

#You can now run SQL commands and queries here

Access psql inside a docker container in a single line:

$ docker exec -it <container-id> psql -U <username> -d <database-name>

source: StackOverflow

Useful Postgres Commands

Log into your local postgres server:

# format is: su - <postgres role name>
# so something like...
$ su - postgres

Enter into psql command prompt within the postgresql server $ psql

List Roles $ \du

Connect to a specific database $ \c <db_name>

List all tables within a database after connecting to it $ \dt

Other helpful Postgres/Docker Resources:


NEH is an MIT-licensed open source project. If you'd like to join us, please read more here.


NEH is MIT licensed.