
Modules to view and process large image stacks. Fast, parallelized filters and an object tracking algorithm.

Primary LanguagePython


Modules to view and process large image stacks. Fast, parallelized filters and an object tracking algorithm.

Library for post-processing stacks of greyscale images such as those arising from high-speed imaging experiments, or video recordings and need to parallelize functions in opencv / skimage / numpy.

ImageProcessing.py file includes the following important functions, all of them are parallelized using multiprocessing library (somewhat similar to how you parallelized the template match algorithm)

The "PyImageProcessing.py" file contains:

  1. 3D filters (blur, edge detection, unsharp mask, etc.) parallelized using multiprocessing for Python.
  2. Point operations: brightness adjustment / normalization, binarization / thresholding.
  3. Image calculation: addition, subtraction, division, alphablending - when numpy slows you down.
  4. Read / write image stacks - tif / tiff format 16 bit image stacks.
  5. Affine transforms - Image rotation / translation / cropping

ObjectTracking.py file includes an object tracking algorithm using normalized cross-correlation (template matching). Input limits for a bounding box that contains the object in the first frame and find it's motion trajectory through the sequence of images. Output as an XY vector or draw a bounding box over the moving object through the stack of images.

Img_Viewer.py contains functions to view image stacks in a slider window using matplotlib interactive widgets. You can also view the histogram, plot profile of pixel intensity across images, etc.

An image stack is defined as a python list of 2D numpy arrays with identical shape - I(Z,Y,X). The 'Z axis' is the python list.


Use a dedicated python 3 environment,

pip install git+https://github.com/aniketkt/ImageStackPy.git#egg=ImageStackPy

Example: from ImageStackPy import ImageProcessing as IP

import time

Im_Stack = IP.get_stack(userfilepath = "path/pathdir")

t0 = time.time()

Im_Stack1 = IP.XY_gaussianBlur(Im_Stack, X_kern_size = 3, Y_kern_size = 3)

print("Took %.2f secs"%(time.time() - t0))

from ImageStackPy import Img_Viewer as VIEW

Im_Stack1 = IP.toArray(Im_Stack1)
