Scripts to parse arxiv documents for NLP tasks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ARXGEN: Corpus of Arxiv Articles for Deep Generative Models

ARXGEN offers a list of article-id from arxiv.org, scripts to download and post-process into a text corpus, to be used in text generation tasks.


    title={ARXGEN: Corpus of Arxiv Articles for Deep Generative Models},
    author={Celikyilmaz, Asli, and Bosselut, Antoine and Shen, Dinghan},


  • ArXiv provides bulk data access through Amazon S3. You need an account with Amazon AWS to be able to download the data.
  • python =2.7

Download arxiv articles and parse to segment sections

Download arXiv Dump

  1. Follow the instructions in https://github.com/acohan/arxiv-tools to get the arxiv dump. The download.py script will download a list of tar files from arXiv.

Extract Latex File from arXiv dump

  1. Open extract.py and Change the values of read_dir/write_dir/latex_folder directories.

  2. Run python extract.py. This will extract the latex files from the tar files.

Latex to Text

  1. Open parse.py and Change the read/write directories.

  2. Run python parse.py script to segment each article in latex format into sections and save as text files. All non-text components ( tables, images, lists, etc.) are removed with this script.

Convert to tab delimited format

  1. Create a new directory named arxiv_latex. Open preprocess_latex.py and change read_dir/write_dir directories values.

  2. Run python preprocess_latex.py script to remove unnecessary latex tags and reformat the segmented article text file into the tab delimited format.

Marge into single file

  1. Collect all the processed data into one big text file

    cat arxiv_latex/* > all.txt
  2. The above process will yield a large tab delimited text file named all.txt with the following headers:



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