
NetflixPlus replicates an OTT platform with integrated Gemini API for personalized movie recommendations. Developed with React, Firebase, and Redux, it ensures real-time updates, seamless authentication, and a mobile-friendly design.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DEMO LINK - https://www.loom.com/share/bf2cafe6cac34db99d80ef63d22a7669

alt text alt text

Features (PLANNING)

  • Browse Route after authentication (LOGGED IN)

    • Header
    • Background Movie Playing (Main Movie)
      • Trailer in Background

      • Title and Description

      • Movie Suggestions

        • Movie Lists * N

    • Home Page '/' route
    • Signup / Signip Page along with button
      • Sign In / Sign Up form
      • redirect to Browse Page
  • NetflixPlus (GPT API)

    • Search Bar
    • Movie Suggestions


- Create React App
- Configured TailwindCSS
- Header
- Routing
- Login/SignIn Form
- Signup Form
- Form Validation (Regex) && Use Ref Hook
- Firebase Setup & Deploying our app to Production
- Create SignUp user account && SignIn using Firebase
- Push the USER info into Redux Store
- Implemented Signout
- Display Name
- Get Data from TMDB api Lists
- Movie Trailer with Title and Description
- Completed Browse page with dynamic movie sections
- GPT (Gemini) Search Feature
- normal - mobile , sm- tab, md - desktop


$npm install --save redux react-redux

Difficult to give states (Names,Address, ProdilePic..etc) to severalcomponents in bigger application when we need. It creates a global state for the whole application, that can be accessed by any of your component. It is a state management library

Shop               Shopkeeper    Customer
States Store <---> Reducer <---> Action

store: it brings the actions and reducers together, holding and changing the state for the whole app — there is only one store.

reducers: these are functions that implement the behavior of the actions. They change the state of the app, based on the action description and the state change description.

actions: these are objects that should have two properties, one describing the type of action, and one describing what should be changed in the app state.  

createStore() -> accepts param xyz reducer
getState() -> method to give access to state it holds
dispatch(action) -> method allow state to be updated
subscribe(listener) -> method by which we can register listeners. This method accept function listeners as a parameter which execute anytime when the state in redux changes. 

<Provider store={}>App<Provider/> -> connect our app with Redux and pass any store to it as a prop

Hooks + React Redux -> useSelector Hook - access states from store. It accepts selector fn as a params, which accepts the state a argumant and returns a value.

Hooks + React Redux -> useDispatch Hook - returns a reference to the dispatch function from redux store.