
Front End for Tic Tac Toe

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Async Tic Tac Toe

1. Links

Github repos

2. Demo


3. Features:

  • Asynchronous multi-player Tic Tac Toe game which can be played with two seperate devices
  • User management
  • Each user has to input username of their opponent to start the game.

4. Tech


  • ReactJs


  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • Stream Chat API

5. How to run

  • Download the files from the frontend repository
  • Open the folder in VS code and open the teminal
  • Install node modules in the folder with package.json file using npm install
  • Then just npm start

6. Issues/Bugs

  • User is able to login with incorrect username/password but won't be able to start the game.
  • Once in the game, the player who clicks fisrt gets assigned 'x' and the other player 'o'.
  • Game continues even after a player has won.

7. Upcoming Feature

  • History of games for each user
  • A chatting channel
  • Player Avatars