Simple Kafka Consumer written in Apache Spark (Java)

Even I'm learning the concept of Apache Spark. Feel free to update the repo.

The consumer will just dump whatever its on the bus on to the terminal.

brew install spark
brew install kafka

brew services start zookeeper
brew services start kafka

go to your apache-spark/1.6.1/libexec folder ./sbin/ the .out file should say Starting Spark master at spark://${your_computer_name}:7077 ./sbin/ spark://${name_of_your_master} the last line of the .out file should be Successfully registered with master spark://${your_computer_name}:7077

go to Simple_Spark-Kafka_Consumer/spark1/twitter mvn clean mvn install

go to target folder spark-submit --class kafka_consumer.twitter.App --master spark://localhost:7077 twitter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

To execute, the jar needs to be submitted to spark.