
SwiftUI Custom Camera

Primary LanguageSwift


SwiftUI Photo and Video recording view.


To avoid unexpected crashes be sure to enable the camera and audio access in your info.plist


Tap to take an image and hold the button to start recording view. You can see a flip camera icon on the top left corner that will toggle front-back cameras. All parameters are customizable, so feel free to get your preferred view.



Swift Package Manager



import SwiftUI
import CameraXPN

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        CameraXPN(action: { url, data in
        }, font: .subheadline, permissionMessgae: "Permission Denied")


  • action: action that returns url of our content with extension video.mov or photo.jpg and binary data
  • font: font you need to present user media button
  • permissionMessgae: a message that will be shown if video or audio access is denied
  • retakeButtonBackground: retakeButton background description
  • retakeButtonForeground: retake button image color
  • backButtonBackground: backButton background color
  • backButtonForeground: backButton button image color
  • closeButtonBackground: close button background color
  • closeButtonForeground: close button image color
  • takeImageButtonColor: take image button color
  • recordVideoButtonColor: record video button color
  • flipCameraBackground: flip camera button background
  • flipCameraForeground: flip camera button image color
  • useMediaContent: use media text that can be replaced
  • useMediaButtonForeground: use media button text color
  • useMediaButtonBackground: use media button background color
  • videoAllowed: video can be allowed or not
  • maxVideoDuration: set maximum duration of the video you want to record