
📊 Extract and analyze the evolution of an iOS app's code.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

📊 SwiftInfo

GitHub release

SwiftInfo is a simple CLI tool that extracts, tracks and analyzes metrics that are useful for Swift apps. Besides the default tracking options that are shipped with the tool, you can customize SwiftInfo to track pretty much anything that can be conveyed in a simple .swift script.

Available Providers

Type Name Description Requirements
📦 IPASizeProvider Size of the .ipa archive (Not the App Store size!) Successful xcodebuild archive and build logs
📊 CodeCoverageProvider Code coverage percentage Test logs, Xcode developer tools, Test targets with code coverage reports enabled
👶 TargetCountProvider Number of targets (dependencies) Build logs
🎯 TestCountProvider Sum of all test target's test count Test logs
⚠️ WarningCountProvider Number of warnings in a build Build logs
🧙‍♂️ OBJCFileCountProvider Number of OBJ-C files and headers (for mixed OBJ-C / Swift projects) Build logs
⏰ LongestTestDurationProvider The name and duration of the longest test Test logs
🛏 TotalTestDurationProvider Time it took to build and run all tests Test logs
🖼 LargestAssetCatalogProvider The name and size of the largest asset catalog Build logs
🎨 TotalAssetCatalogsSizeProvider The sum of the size of all asset catalogs Build logs
💻 LinesOfCodeProvider Executable lines of code Same as CodeCoverageProvider.
🚚 ArchiveDurationProvider Time it took to build and archive the app Successful xcodebuild archive and build logs
📷 LargestAssetProvider The largest asset in the project. Only considers files inside asset catalogs. Build logs


SwiftInfo requires the raw logs of a succesful test/archive build combo to work, so it's better used as the last step of a CI pipeline.

Retrieving raw logs with Fastlane

If you use Fastlane, you can expose the raw logs after building by adding buildlog_path to scan and gym. Here's a simple example of a Fastlane step that runs tests, submits an archive to TestFlight and runs SwiftInfo (be sure to edit the folder paths to what's being used by your project):

desc "Submits a new beta build and runs SwiftInfo"
lane :beta do
  # Run tests, copying the raw logs to the project folder
    scheme: "MyScheme",
    buildlog_path: "./build/tests_log"

  # Archive the app, copying the raw logs to the project folder and the .ipa to the /build folder
    workspace: "MyApp.xcworkspace",
    scheme: "Release",
    output_directory: "build",
    buildlog_path: "./build/build_log"

  # Send to TestFlight
      skip_waiting_for_build_processing: true

  # Run SwiftInfo

  # Commit and push SwiftInfo's result
  sh("git add ../SwiftInfo-output/SwiftInfoOutput.json")
  sh("git commit -m \"[ci skip] Updating SwiftInfo Output JSON\"")

Retrieving raw logs manually

An alternative that doesn't require Fastlane is to simply manually run xcodebuild / xctest and pipe the output to a file. We don't recommend doing this in a real project, but it can be useful if you just want to test the tool without having to download other tools.

xcodebuild -workspace ./Example.xcworkspace -scheme Example &> ./build/build_log/Example-Release.log


SwiftInfo itself is configured by creating a Infofile.swift file in your project's root. Here's an example Infofile that retrieves some data and sends it to Slack:

Note: This repository contains an example project. Check it out to see the tool in action!

import SwiftInfoCore

FileUtils.buildLogFilePath = "./build/build_log/MyApp-MyConfig.log"
FileUtils.testLogFilePath = "./build/tests_log/MyApp-MyConfig.log"

let projectInfo = ProjectInfo(xcodeproj: "MyApp.xcodeproj",
                              target: "MyTarget",
                              configuration: "MyConfig")

let api = SwiftInfo(projectInfo: projectInfo)

let output = api.extract(IPASizeProvider.self) +
             api.extract(WarningCountProvider.self) +
             api.extract(TestCountProvider.self) +
             api.extract(TargetCountProvider.self, args: .init(mode: .complainOnRemovals)) +
             api.extract(CodeCoverageProvider.self, args: .init(targets: ["NetworkModule", "MyApp"])) +
             api.extract(LinesOfCodeProvider.self, args: .init(targets: ["NetworkModule", "MyApp"]))

// Send the results to Slack.
api.sendToSlack(output: output, webhookUrl: "YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_HERE")

// Save the output to disk.
api.save(output: output)

You can see SwiftInfo's properties and methods here.

Available Arguments

To be able to support different types of projects, SwiftInfo provides customization options to some providers. Click on each of them to see their documentation!

👶 TargetCountProvider

💻 LinesOfCodeProvider

📊 CodeCoverageProvider


After successfully extracting data, SwiftInfo will add/update a json file in the {Infofile path}/SwiftInfo-output folder. It's important to add this file to version control after the running the tool as this is what SwiftInfo uses to compare new pieces of information.

SwiftInfo-Reader can be used to transform this output into a more visual static HTML page:

Tracking custom info

If you wish to track something that's not handled by the default providers, you can create your own provider by creating a struct that inherits from InfoProvider inside your Infofile. Here's a simple provider that tracks the number of files in a project where adding new files is bad:

struct FileCountProvider: InfoProvider {

    struct Args {
        let fromFolders: [String]

    typealias Arguments = Args

    static let identifier = "file_count"
    let description = "Number of files"

    let fileCount: Int

    static func extract(fromApi api: SwiftInfo, args: Args?) throws -> FileCountProvider {
        let count = // get the number of files from the provided `args?.fromFolders`
        return FileCountProvider(fileCount: count)

    // Given another instance of this provider, return a `Summary` that explains the difference between them.
    func summary(comparingWith other: FileCountProvider?, args: Args?) -> Summary {
        let prefix = "File Count"
        guard let other = other else {
            return Summary(text: prefix + ": \(fileCount)", style: .neutral)
        guard count != other.count else {
            return Summary(text: prefix + ": Unchanged. (\(fileCount))", style: .neutral)
        let modifier: String
        let style: Summary.Style
        if fileCount > other.fileCount {
            modifier = "*grew*"
            style = .negative
        } else {
            modifier = "was *reduced*"
            style = .positive
        let difference = abs(other.fileCount - fileCount)
        let text = prefix + " \(modifier) by \(difference) (\(fileCount))"
        return Summary(text: text, style: style, numericValue: Float(fileCount), stringValue: "\(fileCount) files")

Documentation of useful types and methods from SwiftInfoCore that you can use when building custom providers will be available soon.

If you end up creating a custom provider, consider submitting it here as a pull request to have it added as a default one!



To install SwiftInfo the first time, simply run these commands:

brew tap rockbruno/SwiftInfo https://github.com/rockbruno/SwiftInfo.git
brew install rockbruno/SwiftInfo/swiftinfo

To update to the newest version of SwiftInfo when you have an old version already installed run:

brew upgrade swiftinfo


pod 'SwiftInfo'


Download the latest release and unzip the contents somewhere in your project's folder.

Swift Package Manager

SwiftPM is currently not supported due to the need of shipping additional files with the binary, which SwiftPM does not support. We might find a solution for this, but for now there's no way to use the tool with it.


SwiftInfo is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.