
Trapping Rain Water question implemented with Swift and UIImageGraphics

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Trapping Rain Water with Swift

Implementing an Interview Question with Swift

Trapping Rain Water question is probably one of the popular interview question . I have implemented it with Swift 3 for iOS.

I have divided UIImage into 8x8 pieces with using UIImageGraphics to represent image and there are totally 8 Tower and will be maximum height of 8

Here is the struct to store Tower heights This function generate scenario for UIImageView

struct WallHeights{
    var wallHeights : [Int] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];

This function generate scenario for UIImageView

func generateScenarioForTrappingRain(c : CGSize , wall : WallHeights) 

This function find the maximum height of tower on the left side of index and return its height as Int

func findLeftMaximum(index : Int , wall : WallHeights) -> Int 

This function find the maximum height of tower on the right side of index and return its height as Int

func findRightMaximum(index : Int , wall : WallHeights) -> Int 

This function fill the area as given section (0 to 7) with given color . It starts to fill from the heightStart to heightStart + height .

func firstSectionWithHeight(heightStart : Int , height : Int , section : Int , color : UIColor , c : CGSize) -> UIImage?

This function draw white lines to image cause of understanding the sections

func drawGraphLines(c : CGSize)

This function checks if there are higher tower on both sides as right and left .

func checkBothSides(index : Int , wall : WallHeights) -> Bool

Generating only Towers

Generating All Scenarios