INSTRUCTIONS Note: You need to have Python pre-installed to run this application! 1. Run PyCharm IDE as administrator and go to File > Open and select this project named <name>. A virtual environment is already created for you using the command python -m venv .venv. 2. Open the terminal and activate the virtual environment using the command: .venv\Scripts\activate 3. Install the required dependencies: pip install flask pip install flask-sqlalchemy Note that, alternatively, you might need to add python -m before each command. 4. To output dependencies in a file for easier access, run: pip freeze > requirements.txt 5. The database table is already set up and currently holds the data of one object (to lookup, run in terminal: python and then DeliveryFee.query.all()). If you want to add more objects in the table, run the commands: db.session.add(DeliveryFee(cart_value: 800, delivery_distance: 1560, number_of_items: 6, time: "2022-30-01T14:00:00Z") db.session.commit() 6. To run the application, create the environment variables: set set FLASK_ENV=development flask run In macOS, replace set with export. To exit the python interactive mode, run exit(). At this point, you should be able to access from your terminal and, or with the corresponding id of the object/delivery for which you want to calculate the delivery fee.