anilabhadatta/educative.io_scraper Course Downloader developed using Python and Selenium. Refer for setup instructions.
- 2
course specific bug
#137 opened by abhinavm24 - 6
incompatible requirements
#135 opened by abhinavm24 - 9
Unable to run in Macos Apple silicon
#76 opened by sushantgupta - 5
iframe elements not saved correct
#121 opened by anilabhadatta - 1
Create one PDF for full course, with Contents
#115 opened by sabz90 - 1
Reduce Downloaded File Size for PDF
#114 opened by sabz90 - 1
Group Downloaded Topics by "Modules" or "Sections"
#113 opened by sabz90 - 1
looking for Educative course downloader
#112 opened by samarthasthan - 1
- 7
Cant Run in Linux Server
#102 opened by Ex-Communicad0 - 3
- 3
Error: ShowUtility:showCodeSolutions: 59: Message: javascript error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'click')
#79 opened by anhpho - 5
I am getting this error
#78 opened by ahsan1676 - 9
Can't get full source code files
#75 opened by anhpho - 16
Error and Bug
#64 opened by sshift56 - 7
[Feature request] Support category in viewer
#77 opened by anhpho - 4
ERROR - StartScraper - start: 20: ExtensionScraper:start: 50: ExtensionScraper:scrapeCourse: 91: ExtensionScraper:scrapeTopic: 152: QuizUtility:downloadQuizFiles: 25: QuizUtility:downloadQuiz: 69: 'explanation'
#70 opened by HelloWorldDC - 1
#69 opened by Mhmh2004 - 1
Get error when download judgeContentPrepend
#67 opened by thesi - 2
- 3
- 2
downloading the same module many times
#52 opened by EngAhmedSalah - 2
Crash on certain pages
#51 opened by dev-rish - 2
- 10
utf8 Encoding/Decoding error
#48 opened by taranjeetsingh257 - 2
- 4
no chrome binary
#49 opened by wild20tea - 2
Exception when get course has Cloud lab inside
#81 opened by anhpho - 3
unable to proceed due to captcha
#73 opened by bluebob297 - 9
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#72 opened by abhinavm24 - 4
- 14
#66 opened by MarkDHarris - 13
Error while resuming download from mid
#62 opened by abhinavm24 - 8
Mac OS 12.+ Intel Based. Not working
#46 opened by bajpaigaurav - 1
v3 release when?
#56 opened by s3roy - 8
ERROR - StartScraper - start: 20: ExtensionScraper:start: 43: ExtensionScraper:scrapeCourse: 67: CourseCollectionsJson and CourseTopicUrlsList Urls are not equal
#61 opened by Dan733 - 2
Scrapping is being stale at one page
#45 opened by bibhubal - 3
Not working any more
#44 opened by bibhubal - 9
- 1
Add case to handle mini project pages
#39 opened by kalvinkalvink - 8
no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"span"}
#40 opened by sumant4ssm - 3
Script is Increasing the VDI size in the BackGround while scrapping the files.
#37 opened by bibhubal - 10
Main Exception Message: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally.
#36 opened by bibhubal - 2
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Unreadable text in some pages
#31 opened by Deviad - 19
Message: stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document
#30 opened by sumant4ssm - 2
hi @anilabhadatta after adding the above driver able to login but the scrapper fails on the first page:
#28 opened by sarveshkhanna - 9
Handle Quiz just like Slides
#29 opened by dev-rish - 10
Found Issue, Going Next Course Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"h4"}
#25 opened by EngAhmedSalah