Isosceles is an object-oriented, PHP5 web application starter kit based on ThinkUp's underpinnings. Isosceles provides a simple MVC framework, database agnosticism, caching, dynamic class loading, single-file configuration, URL routing and (eventually) common actions like user registration, login, and logging.
Isosceles' name was inspired by the architecture of New York City's One World Trade Center.
Isosceles is the PHP framework that runs ThinkUp, extracted and abstracted for reuse. It is nowhere near done. Its current feature set includes:
- Model View Controller framework, using Smarty and Bootstrap for the view
- Data Access Object-based data layer using PDO
- Dynamic configuration through single config file
- Caching to disk (via Smarty)
- URL routing
- A simple database query profiler
- Testing framework (using SimpleTest) with Travis CI hooks
Isosceles is in beta and incomplete. In future releases it will get more features which demonstrate its use, like user registration, login, application settings, and logging.
Isosceles' source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License, except for the external libraries listed below.
The following libraries are included in Isosceles: