
Primary LanguageSwift


  • Alamofire and SwiftyJSON used for business layer.
    • SwiftyJSON preferred instead of Codable as a personal choice in order to implement models quickly.
  • R.swift is a code generator for all assets, images, nibs and colors which comes in handy where deleting any of these resources results in a compile error.
  • SwiftyMocky is also a code generator using Sourcery under the hood. It creates mock classes conforming protocols which are marked with AutoMockable.
  • iOSSnapshotTestCase is a snapshot testing framework maintained by Uber and previously Facebook. It will help us for checking table view cells and view controllers.

Project Notes


  • Developed using Xcode 13 RC
  • Snapshot tests implemented using iPhone 13 simulator.

Project Structure

  • There are three testing targets where shared codes & resources placed in the FlixBusTestsCore folder.
  • Only Main.storyboard is used since we only have two screens which are stations and station detail.

Core Folder

  • Config.swift file has all endpoint and third party SDK related hard-coded strings.
  • Logging folder includes logger structure for any third party integrations.
  • Network layer doesn't have any unit tests on purpose in order not to bloat unit testing project.
    • It would be nice if we can isolate as a separate framework.
    • Network stubber framework would be useful for unit testing purposes as well.
  • Extensions folder has all the extensions, ideally we could create subfolders for each framework (UIKit, Foundation etc.)

Code Structure

  • Environment used as a dependency container and is being mocked while testing (FlixBusTestsCore/Mocker.swift). Original idea belongs to pointfree.co
  • FlowCoordinator manages the window and coordinates the flow. It's configured on the SceneDelegate class.

Missing Features & Frameworks

  • Accessibility
    • Dynamic type
  • Dark mode
  • iPadOS UI improvements
  • Linting (e.g. SwiftLint)
  • Local database
  • Dynamic stations listing

Known Issues

  • GitFlow is not used in repository.
  • StationTimetableSectionHeaderView logs a warning related to using background color. It gets fixed when NIB is not used and it could be related to Xcode 13 RC as well. We should keep an eye on it.
  • UI/UX part is also not ideal.