As i tried to analyse the CSV file, the part of data that is common for a product with different models is ProductID, MovieTitle, Store, Category, SubCategory.

So I have split the data between 2 tables (Product and Product_models). Product table (INNODB) contains the following as columns

  1. Product_id (type: int(6), Primary Key)
  2. Name (type: varchar(250))
  3. store (type: varchar(45))
  4. cat_id (type: int(6))

Product_models (MyISM) has the following as columns

  1. product_id (type: int(6), primary key)
  2. model_id (type: int(6), primary key, auto increment)
  3. price (type: int(7))
  4. shipping_duration (type: int(2))

For storing both Category and subcategory, I chose a single table named Category (INNODB) with an extra column as Parent_id. Its structure is as below

  1. cat_id (type: int(6), primary key)
  2. cat_name (type: varchar(40))
  3. parent_id (type: int(6), primary key)
  4. deleted (type: tinyint(1))

The purpose of choosing a single table for storing category and its subcategory is to reduce another table. The relations between any 2 categories can be mainted by simply assinging cat_id of parent to parent_id value of subcategory.

I choose MyISM db for product_models with a combination of model_id with auto_increment and product_id as primary key so that there is no need to read the number of already existing models for a given product to calculate model_id for next insert on same product.

I choose codeigniter as a framework just because I work on it daily. The default controller is welcome controller where the complete business logic code is available. Views are available in application/views. Database interactions for inserts are done using models which are found in application/models.

CSV file is placed in temp folder at root level along with MySQL schema creation file (unbxd schema.sql).


  1. Please use unbxd schema.sql to create database.
  2. Please set appropriate values for database connection in application/config/database.php.
  3. To upload data from csv file into respective database please access localhost/unbxd/welcome/saveUploadedFile.
  4. Please enable rewrite_module for apache.
  5. localhost/unbxd to search for products.