
kotlin, graphql, ktor, exposed

Primary LanguageKotlin


https://github.com/adavis/ufo-sightings-api/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/info/adavis/graphql/AppSchema.kt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NmXeZgtkvg

Örnek GraphQL sorguları

query GetSafes($id: Int!) { safe(id: $id) { code name } }, { "id" : "2" }

query GetMovements($id: Int!) { fmovement(id: $id) { id from { id name balance } to { id name } } }, { "id" : "1" }

mutation CreateFMovement($datetime: DateTime!, $from: Int!, $to: Int!) { createFinancialMovement(datetime: $datetime, from: $from, to: $to){ id datetime from { name } to { name } } },{ "datetime": "2019-09-08T21:39:52.329+03:00", "from": 1, "to": 1 }

- GraphQL şemasında yer almasını istemediğimiz değişkeni kaldırmak

type<Movement> { Movement::type.ignore() } https://kgraphql.in/docs/reference/type-system/objects-and-interfaces/