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Primary LanguageJavaScript

BDD Cucumber demo BDD Cucumber demo

It's demo application to demonstrate Behavior Driven Development using Cucumber. Test scenarios from the perspective of user and outside-in approach. Demo BDD Cucumber site.

E2E automation tests are written using Cypress and executed on CircleCI.

Cypress execution

  Feature: Read the book
  As Maria, I need a good light in order to read the book
  Scenario: Maria should be able to read the book during the day without room light
    Given Maria is at her home
      And it's a morning
      And lamp light is off
     Then she should be able to read the book
  Scenario: Maria should be able to read the book during the day with room light on
    Given Maria is at her home
      And it's a morning
      And lamp light is on
     Then she should be able to read the book 
  Scenario: Maria should not be able to read the book during the night
    Given Maria is at her home
      And it's a night
      And lamp light is off
     Then she should not be able to read the book
  Scenario: Maria should be able to read book during the night
    Given Maria is at her home
      And it's a night
      And lamp light is off
     When she switch on the light
     Then she should be able to read the book

  Scenario Outline: Maria should be able to read book during the night with light color <light_color>
    Given Maria is at her home
      And it's a night
      And lamp light is off
    When she switch on the light with <light_color>
    Then she should be able to read the book

      | light_color | 
      | yellow      | 
      | red         | 
      | orange      | 

How to run Cypress e2e test locally

  1. Instal node module dependencies
npm intall
  1. Run Cypress
npm run cypress-run

or if you want run with Cypress interactive window

npm run cypress-open