
The postman collection in this repository contains REST calls to Azure Media Services v3 APIs.

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A full Postman collection and Environment variables to test drive the new v3 REST API directly from within Postman 6.0 or higher.

Azure Media Services v3 Postman collection

The Postman folder in this repository contains a full Postman collection and Environment variables to test drive the new v3 REST API directly from within Postman 6.0 or higher.

The following files are included:

File name Description
Media Services v3.postman_collection.json The collection contains grouped definitions of HTTP requests that call Azure Media Services v3 REST APIs.
Azure Media Service v3 Environment.postman_environment.json The environment file contains variables that are used by the collection.

These files support the Tutorial: Upload, encode, and stream videos with REST article.


To import and use the json files in this repository, you need to install Postman 6.0 or higher.

Set environment variables

Get the values that will enable you to access AMS v3 APIs. Then, set the environment variables to the values from the CLI or portal.

The following bash shell script creates a service principal for the account and returns the app.config settings as xml



# Create a service principal with password and configure its access to an Azure Media Services account.
az ams account sp create \
--account-name $amsAccountName \
--name $amsSPName \
--resource-group $resourceGroup \
--role Owner \
--xml \
--years 2 \

For more information, see Access APIs.