Typescript RESTful backend application for User Authentication and Authorization.
- Auth Backend
- This project was created to fullfil the need several Software Engineers have when trying to create a Fullstack Web project from scratch.
- It provides the source code backend template to authenticate and authorize users by exposing RESTful APIs to do so.
- Username and password signup ✔
- User and password login ✔
- Account verification via email ✔
- Public/open route example ✔
- Route protection with expirable security tokens:
- Via Autorization header as Bearer token ✔
- Via cookies ✔
- Via custom header keys 🔜
- Forgot password 🔜
- Change password 🔜
- User password expiration 🔜
- Account verification via SMS 🔜
- Authentication with Google 🔜
- This project was implenmented 100% with Typescript, Nodejs and Express.
- Authentication is implemented with the bcryptjs library for password encryption and the Local stategy from the Passport library.
- Authorization is done with JWT strategy from the Passport library.
- Tokenization is done with jsonwebtoken.
and themongoose
ORM were used for the databse.- Email service is handled with nodemailer and using gmail as Email server for testing purposes.
- Cors and Helmet were used to avoid well-known web vulnerabilities.
- Compression is being used for performance.
- The
file is handeled with dotenv and managed by a configurator module to facilitate its usage across the other application modules. - The project architecture was implemented by enhancing the concepts of MVC to get a more robust architecture with clear separation of concerns:
┣ 📂api => Main source code container.
┃ ┣ 📂controllers => Orchestrators that use Services and Middlewares to provide a response.
┃ ┣ 📂interfaces => Typescript Interface and Type definitions to be used in the project.
┃ ┣ 📂middlewares => Functions to be executed before the Router's main controllers.
┃ ┣ 📂models => Entity definitions that encapsulate Database and ORM services.
┃ ┣ 📂routers => Routers of the application.
┃ ┣ 📂services => Functions containing the all the Business Logic of the application.
┃ ┗ 📂util => Functions used in across the folders in multiple times.
┣ 📂config => Configuration for the different components of the application.
┣ 📂public => Publicly available resources.
┗ 📜index.ts => Main file that starts the database and the main application.
- Clone this project by doing:
$ git clone https://github.com/pieroguerrero/auth-backend.git
- Go to the folder you've just cloned the code and execute:
$ npm install
WARNING: If you are going to use other libraries to achieve other purposes be carefull and remove the caret (^) prefix that the dependency versions have.
- Create a
file in your project's container folder. The file should have the following variables with your own values:
#Node Enviromental variable used for performance purposes
#Port number to be used by the current application:
#MongoDB full connection string:
#A value to be used as seed by the JWT jsonwebtoken library in order to sign the payload:
#Number of iterations for the encryption algotithm:
#JWT token expiration time, expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span zeit/ms. Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d":
#When 'true', it will provide and receive the authorization token via the cookies. Otherwhise will handle it via Authorization header with a bearer token:
#Useful only when TOKEN_FROM_COOKIE is 'true'. This parameter gives a name to the cookie is going to be used to provide and receive the authorization token:
#Gmail Email host, commonly: 'smtp.gmail.com':
#Gmail email address to use used as the email sender:
#Gmail email sender password:
Project is: in progress
There are always room for improvement, in this project so far the thinkgs that can be improved are:
- Unit testing coverage.
- A separate web page for the Docs containing the API catalogs.