
My Interview questions :

  • Oops concept
  • How to achieve abstraction
  • Polimorphism and encaplusation
  • Abstract and interface
  • Why not create the instance of abstarct class
  • highorder functions
  • JVM Static
  • var and val
  • val and const
  • latinit vs lazy
  • repository test cases
  • TDD
  • Viewmodel testcases
  • SSOT
  • Domain layer
  • How to write the common code for the viewmodel
  • Courouite in depth every quesions , scope , builders
  • What is refit
  • How to call the kotlin class in java
  • What is the corouite execption handler and what is return in block
  • What is a Single Source of Truth (SSOT)
  • Best practise to use the corouite
  • Null safety oprator in kotlin list of the
  • What is TestFX
  • How to test navgation graph
  • What is job
  • launch and async difference
  • What is await
  • What is GC
  • What is serializable and parseble , diffenciate it
  • What is koin , hilt
  • Data class in kotlin
  • Inline function
  • Infix function
  • What is the disadvange of highorder and lamda
  • What is inheritance
  • How we implement multilevel inheritance
  • How to cancel the coroutin
  • What is singleton class
  • how we create it
  • What is compaine object
  • What is object
  • Difference between the object and compaine object
  • JVM Static in kotlin
  • What is constructor and why we use

Logically : - Suppose we have two suspend function what exact done in one and second - Suppose i am using the application and call the apis in couroutie and it's showing the progressbar and loading , loading and user press the back and application crashed how you manage this things

  • How to handle the exceptions in the couroutie