
cli for generating mazes

Primary LanguageRust


CLI tool for generating rectangular grid mazes. This tool was developed primarily for testing and bench marking the algorithms implemented in my maze generation project.


$ cargo install https://github.com/animate-object/maze-cli


maze-cli [OPTIONS] <alg>

        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --corner <corner>              corner -- optionally specify a corner for algorithms that accept this argument,
                                       ignored otherwise [possible values: NW, NE, SW, SE]
        --direction <direction>        direction -- optionally specify a direction for algorithms that accept this
                                       argument, ignored otherwise [possible values: N, E, S, W]
    -h, --height <height>              height --  of the maze to be generated, in cells [default: 10]
    -o, --output-type <output-type>    output type -- "ascii" produces a nice command line visual, "bin" produces the
                                       maze's underlying byte encoding [default: ascii]  [possible values: BIN, ASCII]
    -w, --width <width>                width --  of the maze to be generated, in cells [default: 10]

    <alg>    maze algorithm -- choose from the implemented maze generation algorithms -- required [possible values:
             AB, SW, BT]