
Setup your Blender project folders the easy way!

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Super Project Manager

Managing your unfinished Projects streamlined. Features:

  • Create your Project Folders consistently. With the click of a button, all your project folders are created and the Blender File is saved into the right folder.
  • Automatically append a version number to your Blender File, if needed.
  • Display your unfinished Projects in Blender, so you'll never forget about them. Check out the wiki, if you want to learn more

Upcoming Version:

We've just hit another update. No features are planned so far. Change this!

System requirements:

OS Blender
OSX Testing, please give feedback if it works for you.
Windows Blender 2.83+
Linux Blender 2.83+