
Pipeline Testing

Primary LanguageRuby

General Stuff

This repository contains the Concourse setup for Bookbinder-bound books deployed to Cloud Foundry.

The Concourse pipelines live at https://concourse.run.pivotal.io/. If you need to log in, use the 'Pubtools Concourse CI' username and password in Last Pass.

Concourse Pipelines

A Concourse pipeline is a collection of resources and jobs that, together, accomplish some task. More information on concourse pipelines can be found in the concourse docs.

A pipeline for a book is generated based on the config.yml in the book's repository. To create a new pipeline:

  1. Make a new folder with the name of the pipeline
  2. Make a child folder with the name of the group
  3. Add a config.yml and deployment-resources.yml for the group
  4. Generate the pipeline.yml and upload it to concourse

Given the following example config.yml:

- book: <book-org>/<book-repo-name>
  book_branch: <optional book branch (defaults to master)>
    - name: staging
      depends_on: bind
      trigger: true
    - name: production
      depends_on: staging
      trigger: false

The resulting pipeline will look like:

[this repo] - - - - - - |        |         -----------         --------------
                        |        |         |         |         |            |
[book] ---------------- |        | ------- | staging | - - - - | production |
                        |  bind  |         | deploy  |         | deploy     |
[book credentials] ---- |        |         |         |         |            |
                        |        |         -----------         --------------
[book section] -------- |        |

The incoming lines indicate whether a change will trigger the job. Dashed will not trigger, and solid line will trigger.

The bind job

The bind job is responsible for creating the bound book for deployment by later jobs.

The book is saved to s3 in the "concourse-interim-steps" bucket.

The deploy jobs

A deploy job is responsible for deploying the bound book onto Cloud Foundry.

  • name - both the name displayed on the Concourse job and maps to the key under env in the credentials.yml of the credentials repo for the book.

  • depends_on - adds a passed constraint on inputs for the given job.

  • trigger - whether or not to automatically run the deploy when previous steps complete.

Using this repo

Getting set up


Make sure that you have saved the credentials.yml from LastPass. Within the 'Shared-PubTools' folder there is an item called 'pubtools-concourse-credentials.yml'. The contents of this note should be saved into pipelines/credentials.yml.

rake newb will download fly from the Concourse instance and do any other initial setup.

This can also be done independently with rake 'bin/fly'.

Generate pipeline.yml

  1. Run rake fly:login if necessary using the same Pubtools Concourse CI credentials from LastPass
  2. Run rake scheme:update_all[<pipeline>]
  3. Run rake fly:set_pipeline[<pipeline>]

More fine-grained control over generating your pipeline

  1. Run rake scheme:update[<pipeline>/<group>]
  2. Run rake pipeline:update[<pipeline>]

Add a Repo to a Pipeline


The repo must be in the config.yml for the book, for example docs-book-pivotalcf. You must push this change in order for the commands in this procedure to work.

  1. If the repo is private, add pubtools-docs-helper as an admin for the repo on github. All github access is done through this pubtools bot on github now.
  2. Navigate to the concourse-scripts-docs repo in your workspace and pull the master branch.
  3. Check to see that your concourse-scripts-docs directory contains a subdirectory pipelines with a file credentials.yml. Create the file and directory if they do not exist.
  4. Log in to LastPass and click on 'pubtools-concourse-credentials.yml' in the 'Shared-PubTools' folder. Paste the contents into pipelines/credentials.yml. If you have done this step before, you may not need to repeat it.
  5. Run rake fly:login and use the Pubtools Concourse CI credentials from Lastpass.
  6. Run rake scheme:update[PIPELINE/GROUP]. The following example updates the cf-current pipeline and the pcf group: rake scheme:update[cf-current/pcf]. If you are unsure about the pipeline or group name, see https://pubtools.ci.cf-app.com. The pipelines are listed under the hamburger icon, for example click on data-docs, then gemfire to obtain rake scheme:update[data-docs/gemfire]. The PIPELINE is data-docs and the GROUP is gemfire.
  7. Run rake fly:set_pipeline[PIPELINE].
  8. Type 'y', for yes, when prompted to review configuration changes.
  9. Add, commit, and push the resulting changes to the concourse-scripts-docs repo.
  10. Go to checkman to confirm that the next build displays the new repo listed in the pipeline.

Delete a Job from a Pipeline

Follow the Add a Repo sequence, but also delete job-specific directories:

  1. Edit PIPELINE-GROUP/config.yml, removing entries for the job.

  2. Edit PIPELINE/deployment-resources.yml, removing any job resources that are no longer needed.

  3. Delete job-specific directories, the ones that contain *.plan files.

  4. Update the pipeline:

    $ rake scheme:update[PIPELINE/GROUP]
    $ rake pipeline:update[PIPELINE]
    $ rake fly:set_pipeline[PIPELINE]
  5. Type 'y', for yes, when prompted to review configuration changes.

  6. Add, commit, and push the resulting changes to the concourse-scripts-docs repo.


Slack Pubtools via the #cf-pubtools channel.

File Structure

 |- pipeline-name
     |- deployment-resources.yml
     |- pipeline.yml
     |- pipeline-group-1
     |   |- config.yml
     |   |- pipeline-job-1
     |   |   |- plan.yml
     |   |   |- sources.yml
     |   |   |- task.yml
     |   |- pipeline-job-2
     |       |- plan.yml
     |       |- sources.yml
     |       |- task.yml
     |- pipeline-group-2
         |- config.yml
         |- pipeline-job-1
         |   |- plan.yml
         |   |- sources.yml
         |   |- task.yml
         |- pipeline-job-2
             |- plan.yml
             |- sources.yml
             |- task.yml
  • plan.yml - Includes the steps for a Concourse job
    • does not include the name of the job
    • the pipeline will mark these jobs as serial, so that it will not run more than one at a time
    • generated by rake scheme:update or rake scheme:update_all
  • sources.yml - Includes the incoming resources
    • except bundle
    • generated by rake scheme:update or rake scheme:update_all
  • task.yml - Includes the whole task configuration for a Concourse task
    • generated by rake scheme:update or rake scheme:update_all
  • config.yml - Config file for generating the pipeline
  • deployment-resources.yml - Extra resources used for deploying
  • pipeline.yml - The generated pipeline.yml to upload to Concourse


To update the Docker images, modify docker/Dockerfile and then run the following commands in that directory:


Install Docker for Mac.


  1. Run the Docker for Mac app and confirm that the Docker daemon is running:
$ docker run hello-world
  1. In a terminal, navigate to the ~/workspace/concourse-scripts-docs/docker directory.
  2. Build a new Docker image from the modified Dockerfile with the tag pubtools/bookbinder-8.1:
$ docker build -t pubtools/bookbinder-8.1 .
  1. Log in to Docker with the credentials in LastPass under the Shared-PubTools folder, listed as "Pubtools Docker Hub":
$ docker login
  1. Push your new Docker image to Docker Hub:
$ docker push pubtools/bookbinder-8.1