
A Python Project to automate COWIN vaccine appointments and get alert notifications on the phone once the appointment is booked.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  1. Create account at https://pushover.net/ and then create API token with any name, description at https://pushover.net/apps/build

  2. Install pushover app from playstore/app store in mobile and login.

  3. Open push_notify.py file in notepad and Add "Your User Key" from https://pushover.net/ in PO_USER and the API token in PO_TOKEN in config.env

  4. Make sure you set "Battery Optimization" for pushover app to "Dont Optimize", otherwise you may miss notifcations For references of Puhover follow see images below :

  5. For Running the script do the following steps:

  6. Provide your mobile number and secret key in login.py

  7. pip3 install -r requirments.txt

  8. Python3 main.py

  9. POSTMAN API COLLECTION found at https://github.com/animeshroy/automate_cowin_appointment/blob/Develop/Resources/Postman%20API%20Collection/CoWin%20APIs.postman_collection.json

Note: check_vaccine_slots_state(state_code=16, district_id_inp=265, AGE_LIMT=18) give input for state_code, district_code, minimum_age_limt state_code and district codes can found at ~\Resources\Postman API Collection GET States and GET District


Description Link
API Documentation [https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/9564387/TzRPip7u][PlDb]
Cowin Public API setu [https://apisetu.gov.in/public/marketplace/api/cowin/cowin-protected-v2#/][PlGh]
Pushover [https://pushover.net/][PlGh]