
The Repository is dedicated for providing user the guidelines on how to create notes using various templates

Notes Template

Notes Template

The Repository is dedicated for providing user the guidelines on how to create notes using various templates. Please Fork the repository and use it. Feel Free to add more templates of your own choice.


  1. Learn Markdown
  2. Instruction on how to use the template
  3. Sending Pull Request

Learn Markdown Syntax

Click on the link provided to get the Markdown Cheatsheet : https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet

Instruction on how to use the template

  1. Click here to navigate to the template.

  2. Click on the Pencil Icon present on the top right to Edit the File.

Edit Image

  1. The Edit Page opens up and a window is shown

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  1. Guide on how to create Notes:

a) The First Part tells us what are we working on : Default set to Notes (don't change it).

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b) The Second Part tells about the title, replace the text in blue with the Title of the Notes

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c) The nwxt part is for tags- add tags inside the square brackets separate with comma [ ]

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d) Add the date of the Notes

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e) Replace the text to add your notes

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f) Don't forget to save the file with the name of your choice followed by an extension .md

Sending Pull Request


Made with ❤️ by Animesh Srivastava