Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains an implementation of ARA-CNN - a Bayesian deep learning model intended for histopathological image classification.

ARA stands for Accurate, Reliable and Active. Any method that works on patient data needs to be accurate and reliable, meaning that in addition to very high classification accuracy it should also provide a measure of uncertainty for each prediction. ARA-CNN adheres to these requirements. Moreover, the uncertainty measurement can be used as an acquisition function in active learning, which significantly speeds up the learning process on new histopathological datasets. Uncertainty can also be used to identify mislabelled training images.


Required dependencies: Python 3.6+

Installation process:

git clone https://github.com/animgoeth/ARA-CNN.git
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Your dataset needs to have the following directory structure:

-+ dataset
--+ train
---+ class_0
---+ class_1
---+ class_N
--+ test
---+ class_0
---+ class_1
---+ class_N

Each class_i directory should contain image patches.

Modify CLASS_DICT in src/config.py to match your dataset's classes.

Example dataset

As a quick way to utilise ARA-CNN, you can download the Kather et al. colorectal cancer dataset. Execute the following:

cd dataset
python download_and_extract_crc_dataset.py
cd ..

This downloads the dataset, extracts it and prepares a correct directory structure.


Execute the following command:

python src/ara_cnn.py --output-path /your/output/path --dataset-path /your/dataset/path --epochs EPOCHS

This command starts the training process on data in /your/dataset/path/train. After training, it performs inference on images in /your/dataset/path/test and writes all results to /your/output/path/ara_cnn.txt and the trained model to /your/output/path/ara_cnn.h5. The number of training epochs is set with the --epochs option.

ara_cnn.txt has the following format:

epoch_nr, loss, main_output_loss, aux_output_loss, main_output_acc, aux_output_acc, val_loss, val_main_output_loss, val_aux_output_loss, val_main_output_acc, val_aux_output_acc, eval_main_acc, eval_aux_acc
1, 2.064821, 1.992539, 1.831265, 0.398278, 0.324298, 4.835865, 4.972194, 2.721522, 0.196006, 0.137574, 0.906250, 0.893229
100, 0.481360, 0.392671, 0.464361, 0.867985, 0.844388, 0.359386, 0.278197, 0.274887, 0.909024, 0.897929, 0.906250, 0.893229

The columns in ara_cnn.txt are defined as such:

epoch_nr - training epoch number
loss - training set total loss
main_output_loss - training set loss returned by the main output
aux_output_loss - trainings set loss returned by the auxiliary output
main_output_acc - training set accuracy returned by the main output
aux_output_acc - training set accuracy returned by the auxiliary output
val_loss - validation set total loss
val_main_output_loss - validation set loss returned by the main output
val_aux_output_loss - validation set loss returned by the auxiliary output
val_main_output_acc - validation set accuracy returned by the main output
val_aux_output_acc - validation set accuracy returned by the auxiliary output
eval_main_acc - test set accuracy returned by the main output (note: this is measures after training is completed, so all rows contain the same value)
eval_aux_acc - test set accuracy returned by the auxiliary output (note: this is measures after training is completed, so all rows contain the same value)

Execute the following command:

python src/test_model.py --input-images /your/input/images/path --model-path /your/model/path/ara_cnn.h5 --output-path /your/output/path --measure MEASURE

All images in /your/input/images/path are tested and after that both the classification and uncertainty results are saved to /your/output/path/results.csv. The uncertainty is measured with the provided MEASURE - either Entropy or BALD.

results.csv has the following format:

image_name, uncertainty, class_0_probablity, ..., class_N_probability
img1.jpg, 0.1, 0.9, ..., 0.01
imgX.jpg, 0.9, 0.3, ..., 0.2

Note: In order to make the testing process work, you need to modify one of the Keras source files. In venv/lib/python3.x/site-packages/keras/layers/advanced_activations.py replace line 38 self.alpha = K.cast_to_floatx(alpha) with the following code:

    self.alpha = K.cast_to_floatx(alpha)
except TypeError:
    self.alpha = K.cast_to_floatx(alpha['value'])
Active learning and identification if mislabelled training samples


As presented in the paper (see section Paper below), uncertainty can serve as an acquisition function in active learning. By augmenting the training dataset with the most uncertain classes in subsequent active learning steps, the model can achieve high classification accuracy faster than with an acquisition function amounting to a random selection. Thus, when working with a pathologist, they should always try to annotate the most uncertain classes first.

On the other hand, the least uncertain images among misclassified patches from the training dataset can be identified as mislabelled and should be passed to a pathologist to re-annotate.

To find the most uncertain classes and least uncertain images, use this command: python src/process_results.py --results-file /your/output/path/results.csv --threshold T

The file at /your/output/path/results.csv is loaded and processes, which results in a list of classes sorted by average uncertainty in descending order and a list of files with uncertainty below q(T).

Note that in order to identify mislabelled training samples, your results.csv file needs to contain the output from running inference on the training set and you'll need to find an intersection of the files returned by process_results.py and misclassified files from the training dataset.


The ARA framework and all accompanying results are described in this paper:

ARA: accurate, reliable and active histopathological image classification framework with Bayesian deep learning
Łukasz Rączkowski, Marcin Możejko, Joanna Zambonelli, Ewa Szczurek
Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 14347 (2019); doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-50587-1


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