Create a key pair and download to get ssh access to EC2 nodes from your local machine
chmod 400 pytorch-gpu-us-west-1.pem
- Create a 2 node instance cluster with the same security group - Choose the
Deep Learning AMI GPU PyTorch 1.13.1 (Ubuntu 20.04)
Image - Choose
g3.8xlarge instance
type - 2 GPUs, 16 GB GPU memory, 8 GB per GPU. 32 vCPUs. $2.28 per hour. - Edit the inbound rule of that security group to add the ICMP inbound rule coming in from the same security group
- Also create a bastion host in the same security group. A bastion host is a host that you can use as your local machine to
develop codes and then deploy them on the pytorch cluster. For the bastion host you can choose a
Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
OS andt3.xlarge
instance type with 4 vCPU 16 GiB mm costing $0.1984 per hour (on demand price). Configure30gb
ssh -i "pytorch-gpu-us-west-1.pem" ubuntu@${INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS}
From you local mac or bastion host copy over the pytorch code to all the nodes in the pytorch cluster. You can set the node ips in the environment variables.
ssh -i "pytorch-gpu-us-west-1.pem" ubuntu@${INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS}
mkdir pytorch-gpu
-- copy code from local to remote ec2
scp -i "pytorch-gpu-us-west-1.pem" *.py ubuntu@${INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS}:~/pytorch-gpu/
source activate pytorch
-- running on single gpu on same machine
python3 50 10
-- running on multi gpu on same machine
python3 50 10
-- for torchrun job on a single machine
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=gpu 50 5
kaggle competitions download -c cassava-leaf-disease-classification
scp -i "pytorch-gpu-us-west-1.pem" -r kaggle-cassava/data/*.csv ubuntu@${INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS}:~/pytorch-gpu/kaggle-cassava/data/
scp -i "pytorch-gpu-us-west-1.pem" -r kaggle-cassava/*.py ubuntu@${INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS}:~/pytorch-gpu/kaggle-cassava/