flask API project for work with the database

Primary LanguagePython


Flask API project for work with the database

Project description

Structure of project

    ├──  models                 - this folder contains all database models.
    │   ├── base.py             - this file contains class Model which handles all data-management operations. Actor and Movie classes will be inherited from it.
    │   ├── actor.py            - Actor entity model.
    │   ├── movie.py            - Movie entity model.
    |   └── relations.py        - association table for Actor and Movie entities. 
    ├── controllers             - this folder contains all commands operations handlers.
    │   ├── actor.py            - handlers for operations related to the Actor entity.
    │   ├── movie.py            - handlers for operations related to the Movie entity.
    │   └── parse_request.py    - this file contains a function which parses request data and converts it to a convenient format.
    ├── settings                - here you can store different constant values, connection parameters, etc.
    │   └── constants.py        - multiple constants storage for their convenient usage.
    ├── core                    - folder, which contains core application components.
    │   ├── __init__.py         - initializing our app and DB.
    │   └── routes.py           - application routes (predefined commands).
    ├── run.py                  - application run file.
    ├── Dockerfile              - commands used for Dockerization
    └── requirements.txt        - list of libraries used for Dockerization

In work

API works with postgreSQL database. Database theme: movies and actors
ERD-diagram for database:
Flask commands description:

route method description
/api/actors GET get the list of all actors
/api/actor GET get actor by id
/api/actor POST add new actor. Body can include: name, gender, date_of_birth
/api/actor PUT update actor. Body can include: name, gender, date_of_birth
/api/actor DELETE remove actor by id
/api/actor-relations PUT add relations. Body can include: id (actor), relation_id (movie)
/api/actor-relations DELETE delete relations by id
/api/movies GET list of all movies
/api/movie GET get movie by id
/api/movie POST add new movie. Body can include: name, year, genre
/api/movie PUT update movie. Body can include: name, year, genre
/api/movie DELETE remove movie by id
/api/movie-relations PUT add relations. Body can include: id (movie), relation_id (actor)
/api/movie-relations DELETE delete relations by id

If something is wrong with request, response status code will be 400 and it will call message about error. If all is correct, response status code will be 200.




