
A curated list of awesome Quake related goodness

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Awesome Quake Awesome

A curated list of awesome Quake related goodness



Games created using a form of the Quake engine

  • LibreQuake - A completely free alternative to the Quake .pak game data.


Derivations of the original Quake engine


Tools for a better Quaking experience

  • Simple Quake Launcher 2 - A simple map/mod/demo launcher for Quake, Quake 2, Hexen 2 and Half-Life.
  • Quake Injector - Download, install and play quake singleplayer maps from the quaddicted.com archive.


Resources for creating your own Quake maps

  • TrenchBroom - Modern cross-platform map editor.
  • Rust Quake - Map renderer implemented in Rust.
  • ericw-tools - An essential toolkit for mappers.
  • BSPInfo - Extract useful data from BSPs.
  • tmx2map - Convert Tiled maps into Quake maps.
  • io_scene_bsp - Blender 2.80 addon for loading Quake BSP files.
  • blender_io_mesh_bsp - Blender addon for importing BSP files.
  • BSP2OBJ - Python module and CLI tool for converting BSPs to OBJ/MTL files with textures.
  • quake-cli-tools - A set of command line tools for creating Quake content.
  • netradiant-custom - The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
  • quake-leveldesign-starterkit - Starter Kit mainly based on files / directory structure and set of tools recommended by dumptruck_ds.
  • qodot - Plugin for the Godot map editor that adds support for importing Quake .map files.


Creating 3D models for the Quake engine

  • iqm - Inter-Quake model format development kit.


  • gmqcc - An improved QuakeC compiler.
  • progs_dump - QuakeC library offering extended features while staying true to the original game.


Repositories containing the source code of Quake mods



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