
Automatic ctypes bindings generator functions for cmake

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


cpython-interop is a set of cmake functions and utilties that generate code to seamlessly interoperate between a C API and Python via ctypes bindings.

For example, a C function that looks like

EXPORT_API Result createHandle(HandleParams params, Handle* handle);

can be called using the Python code

assert(createHandle(params, byref(handle)) == OK)

Callbacks in a C API can also be easily declared and used, like so

@HandleCallbackFuncType def handleCallback(context, contextSizeBytes, handle) -> Result:
    return OK
# Set our callback function in HandleParams
params.handleCallbackFunc = handleCallback

In order to generate the bindings, all we need to do is to add the following lines of CMake in the CMakeLists.txt of the C library

# Include our function(s) from cpython-interop


# Generate ctypes bindings for Python -> C calls

And that's it! The function will also add an install target to copy the generated bindings to the Python site library. See the example(s) here.