Implementation of Chord Protocol
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding proj3
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:proj3, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
- Anip Mehta UFID : 96505636
- Aniket Sinha UFID : 69598035
What is working?
Creation of Chord topology from the given number of nodes and getting the peers(nodes) to perform the given number of requests. Finally, the average number of hops(node connections) that have to be traversed to deliver a message gets displayed as the output.
Following are the results from some sample runs:
Number of Peers Number of Requests Average number of Hops
8 2 3
8 3 3
8 4 5
100 3 7
100 5 8
100 10 9
500 3 9
500 10 11
500 50 13
1024 3 11
1024 5 12
1024 10 13
Keeping the number of requests constant(=3),the graph of average number of hops to the number of peers was plotted.
Number of Peers Number of Requests Average number of Hops
8 3 4
50 3 6
100 3 7
200 3 8
500 3 9
700 3 10
1024 3 11
2024 3 12
It can be observed that the graph is logarithmic:
What is the largest network you managed to deal with?
The largest network we managed to deal with consisted of 5000 nodes. Beyond that, it was taking too much time to build the chord topology and update the finger table.
- mix run proj3.ex (number of nodes) (number of requests)
mix run proj3.ex 100 5
- Average number of hops to be traversed to deliver a message