
This repo was created with Phoenix's default starter template.

  1. (installing command/generator)
  2. (running it with a folder name to generate a template project)

Then, the oban packages were added to mix.exs.

A renovate.json was also added.

Notice in mix.exs, a custom repo is specified for oban_web and oban_pro. That repo is usually added beforehand with this command. Hex in Elixir supports using custom repos from sources that are not

You can add a repo and reference it with that custom name in your mix.exs.

Note that the command line options are optional, but still important - the custom repo we use requires --fetch-public-key and --auth-key.

See here for the specific config we use:

Error generated by bot

Whenever any elixir dependency is attempted to be updated, it will fail with an error like this.

I've redacted the specific project name from the real output.

Command failed: docker run --rm --name=renovate_sidecar --label=renovate_child -v "/mnt/renovate/gh/[REDACTED]/[REDACTED]":"/mnt/renovate/gh/[REDACTED]/[REDACTED]" -v "/tmp/renovate-cache":"/tmp/renovate-cache" -v "/tmp/containerbase":"/tmp/containerbase" -e BUILDPACK_CACHE_DIR -e CONTAINERBASE_CACHE_DIR -w "/mnt/renovate/gh/[REDACTED]/[REDACTED]/[REDACTED]/[REDACTED]" bash -l -c "install-tool erlang && install-tool elixir v1.14.1 && mix deps.update uinta"
** (Mix) Unknown repository "oban", add new repositories with the `mix hex.repo add` task

Below is what the phx starter template automatically generates.


To start your Phoenix server:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

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