The aim is to train a deep neural net to infer velocities from the Sea surface heights ($\eta$) and Wind stress($\tau_x$ and $\tau_y$). The training dataset will be the high resolution model, We will then coarsegrain the model fields to get the lower resolution fields and use that as the testing data. The ultimate aim will be to get the velocity fields for Satellite altimetry.
The hypothesis to be tested is the following:
Can we train a Conv Neural Net to give velocity estimates from altimetry data to get a better signture of small scale (balanced/unbalanced motions) than geostrophy?
The present work
In this notebook we calculate the surface velocity from the llc4320 model output in the Agulhas sector and write down the formalism for calculating the surface geostrophic velocities from the SSH ($\eta$) and the surface Ekman velocities from wind stress and the formalism for calculating the error.
The total momentum equation can be written as:
where $\mathbf{F}$ is the frictional term
Our traditional method involves splitting the surface flow into a geostrophic and an ageostrophic part as follows:
where the force balances are
Geostrophic velocities
Geostrophic velocities are given by
$$fv_{g} = g \frac{\partial \eta}{\partial x} $$
$$fu_{g} = - g \frac{\partial \eta}{\partial y} $$
Ekman velocity
Under steady state conditions is can be shown that in the boundary layer of the upper ocean (order hundred meters) horizontal gradients are small compared to vertical gradients. Under these conditions, there is a balance between Coriolis and Friction.
Friction in the upper layer is provided by the wind stress.
$$ f v + \frac{\partial \tau_x}{\partial z} = 0$$
$$ f u - \frac{\partial \tau_y}{\partial z} = 0$$ (1)
and $\alpha_{+}$ and $\alpha_{-}$ are complex coefficients. the $\alpha_{+}$ part denotes the solution decaying away from the top and the $\alpha_{-}$ denotes the solution decaying away from the bottom. For the surface Ekman velocities we are concerned with the $\alpha_{+}$ part.
For the Southern hemisphere the solution now becomes
For the first exercise, we aim to fit a multiple linear regression. For our black box therefore the input variables are $\left[x_{i1}, ... , x_{ip}\right]{i=1}^{n}$, n being the number of samples, and p being the number of features. We can represent the linear regression problem as $u_i = \beta_0 1 + \beta_1 x{i1} + ... + \beta_p x_{ip} + \epsilon_i$.