
A Spring Boot application to manage appoinments

Primary LanguageJava


To Run as a Spring Boot application

Using Maven plugin:

  1. mvn clean spring-boot:run

Using Jar file as a packaged applicationv:

  1. mvn clean package

  2. java -jar ./target/spring-boot-appointment-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

To Run using Docker file

  1. cd /<local_directory>/spring-boot-appointment

  2. mvn clean package

  3. Build the Docker image : docker build -t springboot-appointment-docker .

  4. Run the Spring Boot application : docker run -p 8080:8080 springboot-appointment-docker

To Run using docker-compose file

  1. cd /<local_directory>/spring-boot-appointment

  2. mvn clean package

  3. Build all the services and then run them : docker-compose up --build

  4. To find the running docker images and ports : docker container ps -a

REST Endpoints

1.GET request to return specific appointments - /api/v1/appointments/{appointmentId}


2.GET request to return all appointments - /api/v1/appointments/


3.GET request to return all appointments based on a date range and ordered by price - /api/v1/appointments?startDate={start_date}&endDate={end_date}


4.POST request to add new appointments - /api/v1/appointments


Pass Body as JSON:

{ "appointmentDate": "2019-02-14", "appointmentStartTime": "20:00:00", "appointmentEndTime": "21:00:00", "nameOfDoctor": "Raj", "status": "Booked", "price": 70 }

5.PUT request to update appointments - /api/v1/appointments/{appointmentId}


Pass Body as JSON:

{ "id": 5,
"appointmentDate": "2019-02-14", "appointmentStartTime": "20:00:00", "appointmentEndTime": "21:00:00", "nameOfDoctor": "Raj", "status": "Available", "price": 70 }

6.PATCH request to update status of an appointment - /api/v1/appointments/{appointmentId}


Pass Body as JSON:

{ "status": "Available" }

7.DELETE request to delete specific appointments - /api/v1/appointments/{appointmentId}


Port Number

localhost default port number : 8080

docker container port number can be found using : docker container ps -a

Git Bundle

To create a git bundle : git bundle create spring-boot-appointment.git master

To extract from a git bundle : git clone -b master spring-boot-appointment.git spring-boot-appointment