
Ruby gem (native extension in Rust) providing implementations of various string metrics

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


checks Gem Version license

Ruby gem (native extension in Rust) providing implementations of various string metrics. Current metrics supported are: Sørensen–Dice, Levenshtein, Damerau–Levenshtein, Jaro & Jaro–Winkler. Strings that are UTF-8 encodable (convertible to UTF-8 representation) are supported. All comparison of strings is done at the grapheme cluster level as described by Unicode Standard Annex #29; this may be different from many gems that calculate string metrics. See here for known compatibility.

Getting Started


Install Rust (tested with version >= 1.47.0) with:

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Known compatibility


3.1, 3.0, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, 2.4, 2.3, jruby, truffleruby


1.60.0, 1.59.0, 1.58.1, 1.57.0, 1.56.1, 1.55.0, 1.54.0, 1.53.0, 1.52.1, 1.51.0, 1.50.0, 1.49.0, 1.48.0, 1.47.0


Linux, MacOS, Windows


With bundler

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'str_metrics'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Without bundler

$ gem install str_metrics


All you need to do to use the metrics provided in this gem is to make sure str_metrics is required like:

require 'str_metrics'

Each metric is shown below with an example & meanings of optional parameters.


StrMetrics::SorensenDice.coefficient('abc', 'bcd', ignore_case: false)
 => 0.5


Keyword Type Default Description
ignore_case boolean false Case insensitive comparison?


StrMetrics::Levenshtein.distance('abc', 'acb', ignore_case: false)
 => 2


Keyword Type Default Description
ignore_case boolean false Case insensitive comparison?


StrMetrics::DamerauLevenshtein.distance('abc', 'acb', ignore_case: false)
 => 1


Keyword Type Default Description
ignore_case boolean false Case insensitive comparison?


StrMetrics::Jaro.similarity('abc', 'aac', ignore_case: false)
 => 0.7777777777777777


Keyword Type Default Description
ignore_case boolean false Case insensitive comparison?


StrMetrics::JaroWinkler.similarity('abc', 'aac', ignore_case: false, prefix_scaling_factor: 0.1, prefix_scaling_bonus_threshold: 0.7)
 => 0.7999999999999999

StrMetrics::JaroWinkler.distance('abc', 'aac', ignore_case: false, prefix_scaling_factor: 0.1, prefix_scaling_bonus_threshold: 0.7)
 => 0.20000000000000007


Keyword Type Default Description
ignore_case boolean false Case insensitive comparison?
prefix_scaling_factor decimal 0.1 Constant scaling factor for how much to weight common prefixes. Should not exceed 0.25.
prefix_scaling_bonus_threshold decimal 0.7 Prefix bonus weighting will only be applied if the Jaro similarity is greater given value.


The main motivation was to have a central gem which can provide a variety of string metric calculations. Secondary motivation was to experiment with writing a native extension in Rust (instead of C).


Getting started

gem install bundler
git clone https://github.com/anirbanmu/str_metrics.git
cd ./str_metrics
bundle install

Building (for native component)

rake rust_build

Testing (will build native component before running tests)

rake spec

Local installation

rake install

Deploying a new version

To deploy a new version of the gem to rubygems:

  1. Bump version in version.rb according to SemVer.
  2. Get your code merged to main branch
  3. After a git pull on main branch:
rake build && rake release


See all repo contributors here.


SemVer is employed. See tags for released versions.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/anirbanmu/str_metrics.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in this project's codebase, issue trackers etc. are expected to follow the code of conduct.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details