Currently adventuring, not on the hills, in shades of life. Getting inspiration from the toughest people I know. Knights rise when its the darkest.
NIT CalicutBangalore
Pinned Repositories
An Alerting / Notification microservice written in Python using asyncio event loop which listens for alert events and sends notifications via email, sms etc.
A full fledged Api Gateway Microservice used to transfer/route/load-balance different api requests to other microservices written primatrily in Nodejs.
Sample Microservice App in Python for Testing using pytest, uber/doubles, tox on CI servers like Jenkins and Travis CI using Docker + Docker-Compose for test environment.
All DevOps related scripts and resources mostly using Docker+Terraform+Swarm+Docker-Machine
A sample microservice in python for implementing a dummy orders service which processes transactions, alerts if there is a fraudulent transation using the alertman and fraud_police services.
A full fledged web app (news feed, notifications, livestreaming, IRC, private instant messaging[rabbitmq], etc...) used as an experiment for every new technology using primarily nodejs.
An MQTT protocol basaed Chat-Server/Chat-System using Mosquitto Message Broker + MQTT Python Client(paho-mqtt) + Websockets(SockJS) + Async Python Server(Tornado)
A Chat-Server/Chat-System based on AMQP protocol(RabbitMQ) + AMQP Python Client(PIKA) + Websockets(SockJS) + Async Python Server(Tornado)
Prebook your uber cabs. Its an app that notifies when to book an uber to reach a given destination at a pre specified time.
App that notifies you via(email, web, etc) at right time when to book uber so that to you can reach your destination by your required time. Also, trying to apply the DDD by Eric Evans and Clean Architecture principles proposed by Robert Martin a.k.a Uncle Bob.
anirbanroydas's Repositories
A Chat-Server/Chat-System based on AMQP protocol(RabbitMQ) + AMQP Python Client(PIKA) + Websockets(SockJS) + Async Python Server(Tornado)
An MQTT protocol basaed Chat-Server/Chat-System using Mosquitto Message Broker + MQTT Python Client(paho-mqtt) + Websockets(SockJS) + Async Python Server(Tornado)
Sample Microservice App in Python for Testing using pytest, uber/doubles, tox on CI servers like Jenkins and Travis CI using Docker + Docker-Compose for test environment.
All DevOps related scripts and resources mostly using Docker+Terraform+Swarm+Docker-Machine
Prebook your uber cabs. Its an app that notifies when to book an uber to reach a given destination at a pre specified time.
An Alerting / Notification microservice written in Python using asyncio event loop which listens for alert events and sends notifications via email, sms etc.
A full fledged web app (news feed, notifications, livestreaming, IRC, private instant messaging[rabbitmq], etc...) used as an experiment for every new technology using primarily nodejs.
App that notifies you via(email, web, etc) at right time when to book uber so that to you can reach your destination by your required time. Also, trying to apply the DDD by Eric Evans and Clean Architecture principles proposed by Robert Martin a.k.a Uncle Bob.
A full fledged Api Gateway Microservice used to transfer/route/load-balance different api requests to other microservices written primatrily in Nodejs.
A sample microservice in python for implementing a dummy orders service which processes transactions, alerts if there is a fraudulent transation using the alertman and fraud_police services.
An In-App data search engine using ElasticSearch
A route optimiser for metro stations and subways giving (a). the shortest travel time with (b). maximum comfort [eg: less crowd, possibility of finding a seat, etc..] using primarily React Js (with Redux), Laravel framework(PHP), Node-Js( Server), Neo4J (Graph Database).
A Golang application which implements a basic property listing to requirement matching algorithm
Distributed De-duplicated Storage System with File Synchronization like Dropbox. (Python + Tornado + Pyramid + Watchdog + librsync + MySQLdb + Nginx).
Created a custom oh-my-zsh theme inspired by many custom themes suited for a perfect ZSH Environment under Byobu with Tmux Backend.
Web App for Laptop Management deployed in Centre for Development of Telematics using Pyramid Framework and Tornado webserver and Nginx reverse Proxy
[mirror] Go supplementary cryptography libraries
Cracking the Coding Interview, 5th Edition
Collection of my dotfiles
A sample microservice written in Golang which takes request(order transaction details) via its exposed http api and returns if a transaction is fraudulent or not. This is used along with the dummy_orders and alertman service.
Automated hierarchical classification of newspaper articles for more accurate article retrieval.
A log server based on AMQP protocol using RabbitMQ messge broker and python's Tornado framework
A Monitoring tool using MQTT protocol over websocket (for web monitoring), and plain MQTT (in general) with Mosquitto (MQTT Broker) as backend.
A React Contacts App using windowed list view using react-virtualized
A multiplexed-websocket based Chat-Server/Chat-System using SockJS (Advance Websocket Javascript Client) + Tornado ( async python web server) + sockjs-tornado ( sockjs websocket server implementation for Tornado)
A documentation creator using sampledocs (from Sphinx-doc) and also by using Sphinx documentation generator.
Submits a form in a webpage and retrieves the data from database and stores in MySQL database using Python Mechanize
A Microservice which takes request from other services and passes to RabbitMQ for real time notification based on AMQP, websocket, tornado, and amqp python client library, Pika.
A boilerplate for Tornado app. Working with v3.1
Django mail system ported to tornado and made asynchronous