
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Online Image-to-PDF Converter Image-to-PDF Converter with HTML, CSS, JS, and NodeJS

An online image-to-PDF converter is a website that helps you convert your images to PDFs. This tool is useful because it provides an efficient way to store your images.

Languages/Libraries/Frameworks Used

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • NodeJS and npm
  • Nodemon: Nodemon is an important Node package that'll help you develop your project faster. It helps in restarting your server when you make changes to the project.
  • Express.js and express-generator: Express.js is the Nodefraemwork you'll use to build the web server. Express-generator is a library that'll help you create the necessary file and folders for Express.js to run efficiently.
  • Express-session: This is an Express middleware library that'll help you manage the application sessions.
  • Jade/Pug: This is a JavaScript templating engine that'll help your render the address of the uploaded images in an HTML file.
  • PDFkit: This a JavaScript library that we'll use to convert the images to PDF.
  • Multer: This ia a Node library that'll handle the file uploads.
  • Sortablejs: This is a JavaScript drag-and-drop library that will be used in the frontend for rearranging our images before they are converted to PDF.

Project Setup

  1. Clone the Repository to your local machine using ZIP File or using the following git command:
git clone https://github.com/aniru-dh21/img2pdf.git
  1. Install the dependencies using npm after changing the present working directory cd img2pdf:
npm install
  1. Run the command to access the application server:
set DEBUG=img2pdf:* & npm run devstart
  1. Once you get a success message, it means the server is already running.

  2. Open your web browser and type http://localhost:3000/ in the search bar.

Workflow of the Project

  1. Firstly, define a route that returns the index HTML file when the root URL / is reached.

  2. Within index HTML file, create a form that accepts only image file (png, jpg) and then send it to the server at a defined route.

  3. When the server receives the images with Multer, it'll store them in a folder, store the address in a session store, and redirect the request to the root URL route which will render a Jade file containing the address of the uploading images.

  4. Within the Jade file, it'll activate Sortablejs so that the user can rearrange the images before converting to PDF. There'll also be a 'convert to PDF' button which will send the address of the sorted image to the server /pdf route.

  5. When the /pdf route receives the images, it'll use PDFkit to convert the images to PDF. Then you'll send the address of the converted PDF.

  6. When the user clicks on the PDF link, the file will be downloaded to the user's device.