
A powerful & scriptable shell for Apache ZooKeeper

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Table of Contents


A powerful & scriptable shell for Apache ZooKeeper


From PyPI:

$ pip install zk-shell

Or running from the source:

# Kazoo is needed
$ pip install kazoo

$ git clone https://github.com/rgs1/zk_shell.git
$ cd zk_shell
$ export ZKSHELL_SRC=1; bin/zk-shell
Welcome to zk-shell (0.99.04)

You can also build a self-contained PEX file:

$ pip install pex

$ pex -s . -v -e zk_shell.cli -o zk-shell.pex

More info about PEX here.


$ zk-shell localhost:2181
(CONNECTED) /> create foo 'bar'
(CONNECTED) /> get foo
(CONNECTED) /> cd foo
(CONNECTED) /foo> create ish 'barish'
(CONNECTED) /foo> cd ..
(CONNECTED) /> ls foo
(CONNECTED) /> create temp- 'temp' true true
zookeeper foo temp-0000000001
(CONNECTED) /> rmr foo
(CONNECTED) /> tree
├── zookeeper
│   ├── config
│   ├── quota

Line editing and command history is supported via readline (if readline is available). There's also autocomplete for most commands and their parameters.

Individual files can be copied between the local filesystem and ZooKeeper. Recursively copying from the filesystem to ZooKeeper is supported as well, but not the other way around since znodes can have content and children.

(CONNECTED) /> cp file:///etc/passwd zk://localhost:2181/passwd
(CONNECTED) /> get passwd
unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin
haldaemon:x:68:68:HAL daemon:/:/sbin/nologin

Copying between one ZooKeeper cluster to another is supported, too:

(CONNECTED) /> cp zk://localhost:2181/passwd zk://othercluster:2183/mypasswd

Copying between a ZooKeeper cluster and JSON files is supported as well:

(CONNECTED) /> cp zk://localhost:2181/something json://!tmp!backup.json/ true true

Mirroring paths to between clusters or JSON files is also supported. Mirroring replaces the destination path with the content and structure of the source path.

(CONNECTED) /> create /source/znode1/znode11 'Hello' false false true
(CONNECTED) /> create /source/znode2 'Hello' false false true
(CONNECTED) /> create /target/znode1/znode12 'Hello' false false true
(CONNECTED) /> create /target/znode3 'Hello' false false true
(CONNECTED) /> tree
├── target
│   ├── znode3
│   ├── znode1
│   │   ├── znode12
├── source
│   ├── znode2
│   ├── znode1
│   │   ├── znode11
├── zookeeper
│   ├── config
│   ├── quota
(CONNECTED) /> mirror /source /target
Are you sure you want to replace /target with /source? [y/n]:
Mirroring took 0.04 secs
(CONNECTED) /> tree
├── target
│   ├── znode2
│   ├── znode1
│   │   ├── znode11
├── source
│   ├── znode2
│   ├── znode1
│   │   ├── znode11
├── zookeeper
│   ├── config
│   ├── quota
(CONNECTED) /> create /target/znode4 'Hello' false false true
(CONNECTED) /> mirror /source /target false false true
Mirroring took 0.03 secs

Debugging watches can be done with the watch command. It allows monitoring all the child watches that, recursively, fire under :

(CONNECTED) /> watch start /
(CONNECTED) /> create /foo 'test'
(CONNECTED) /> create /bar/foo 'test'
(CONNECTED) /> rm /bar/foo
(CONNECTED) /> watch stats /

Watches Stats

/foo: 1
/bar: 2
/: 1
(CONNECTED) /> watch stop /

Searching for paths or znodes which match a given text can be done via find:

(CONNECTED) /> find / foo

Or a case-insensitive match using ifind:

(CONNECTED) /> ifind / foo

Grepping for content in znodes can be done via grep:

(CONNECTED) /> grep / unbound true
/passwd: unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin
/copy/passwd: unbound:x:992:991:Unbound DNS resolver:/etc/unbound:/sbin/nologin

Or via igrep for a case-insensitive version.

Non-interactive mode can be used passing commands via --run-once:

$ zk-shell --run-once "create /foo 'bar'" localhost
$ zk-shell --run-once "get /foo" localhost

Or piping commands through stdin:

$ echo "get /foo" | zk-shell --run-from-stdin localhost


  • Python 2.7, 3.3 or 3.4
  • Kazoo >= 2.0.0

Testing and Development

Please see CONTRIBUTING.md.