
Deep learning based title generation of scientific paper using abstracts as input, employing encoder-decoder based architecture.

Primary LanguagePython


Uses attention networks to generate titles of technical papers using abstracts

Data Sources


  • backend: contains scripts for training and evaluation of models
  • data: contains data files from training data, models to results

Setting up develope env and running server

  • python3 -m virtualenv env
  • source "virtual env path activate"
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python manage.py runserver
  • Can go to localhost and access web UI for evaluating latest saved model

How to train

  • source "virtual env path activate"
  • cd title_generation/deeptitles
  • python -m main.backend.train > main/data/results/"dd_mm_HH.log"
  • one can always go to the utility.py file to tune the hyperparams

How to train in MSI

  • to do

Update with each commit


Current model details

  • GRU based encoder and attention decoder
  • Hidden size=512, dropout=0.1, learning_rate=0.01 (SGD)
  • Uses teacher-forcing mechanism during training for faster convergence

Tasks to do

  • setup an evaluation metric for prediction
  • identify benchmark
  • try other architecturs to make prediction better
  • try hyper parameter tuning to make prediction better

Experimentation (for logging progress)

Commit Description
811b1d8 NIPS Dataset (Simple Encoder + Attn_Decoder)