Jobs API

RESTful Express API with full CRUD functionality



App Screenshot


npm install && npm start

Database Connection

  1. Import connect.js
  2. Invoke in start()
  3. Setup .env in the root
  4. Add MONGO_URI with correct value


  • auth.js
  • jobs.js

User Model

Email Validation Regex


Register User

  • Validate - name, email, password - with Mongoose
  • Hash Password (with bcryptjs)
  • Save User
  • Generate Token
  • Send Response with Token

Login User

  • Validate - email, password - in controller
  • If email or password is missing, throw BadRequestError
  • Find User
  • Compare Passwords
  • If no user or password does not match, throw UnauthenticatedError
  • If correct, generate Token
  • Send Response with Token

Mongoose Errors

  • Validation Errors (if user does not provide one of the values)
  • Duplicate (Email) (email not unique)
  • Cast Error (/:id syntax doesnt match exactly to what mongoose is looking for)


  • helmet {for security, to prevent possible attacks}

  • cors {cross origin resource sharing, for adding ability to access api with different domains/front-ends}

  • xss-clean {sanitizes the user input in body,params etc , prevent cross site scripting attacks}

  • express-rate-limit {limits the amount of requests that the user can make}