
Wrapper scripts (mainly BASH) for the Rightscale API

Primary LanguageShell


Includes a number of mainly BASH scripts using cURL against the Rightscale API. The first lot are for controlling security groups.

Authentication setup and config is taken from Rightscale's own 1.0/1.5 examples:

http://support.rightscale.com/12-Guides/03-RightScale_API/RightScale_API_Examples http://support.rightscale.com/12-Guides/03-RightScale_API/RightScale_API_Examples/Authentication

NOTE: The API 1.5 functions are not quite finished but can be used for reference.


Please please do not run them if you don't understand exactly what the code is doing. I cannot accept any responsibility for any loss of service these scripts cause you.

Example usage:

Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/jimfdavies/rightscale-api.git

Move into repository

$ cd rightscale-api

Copy rs-set-auth.sh.example to rs-set-auth.sh

$ cp rs-set-auth.sh.example rs-set-auth.sh

Edit rs-set-auth.sh

# vim rs-set-auth.sh
# RS_API_VERSION=1.0   # For EC2 connections
# RS_API_VERSION=1.5   # For any other cloud
# RS_API_ACCOUNT_ID=<your Rightscale account ID>
# RS_API_USER=<your Rightscale user name/email address>
# RS_API_PASSWORD=<your Rightscale password>

Run rs-set-auth.sh (creates the scripts which, in turn, create the environment variables)


Run rs-login.sh


If all is well, you will be able to run the following

# List all secgroups in Rightscale cloud ID 2 (AWS EU)
./rs-list-security-groups.sh 2    
# Search through AWS EU and return ID of matching secgroup name
./rs-list-security-groups.sh 2 default
# Create a new group in AWS EU called sgtest with a description	"Test security group"
./rs-create-security-group.sh -v 2 sgtest "Test security group"
# Create a new group in AWS EU but just return the ID of the new secgroup
./rs-create-security-group.sh 2 sgtest "Test security group"
# Add a TCP/22 from anyone to a secgroup ID 12345678
./rs-update-security-group.sh 12345678 tcp 22 22
# Add a TCP/22 from anyone to a secgroup called SGNAME in AWS EU 12345678
./rs-update-security-group.sh $(./rs-list-security-groups.sh 2 SGNAME) tcp 22 22