The Lyric Finder

What went well

  • Able to view tracks by any artist
  • Able to view lyrics upon track selection
  • Simple but easy to use interface

Improvements/Next Steps

  • Api request to fetch track lists by artist releases meant there were many duplicate tracks in duplicate albums
  • With more time, implement pagination/infinite scroll to be able to fetch more tracks from the musicbrainz api using the offset parameter in the request
  • Improve user experience by rendering the lyrics on the same page upon selection rather than navigating to a single page
  • Improve styling to scroll through tracks within set div height
  • Show information about artist including picture, description
  • Add category selection using genre and filter tracks by album
  • Error handling

Getting Started

Clone this repo:

git clone

Install the dependencies:

npm i

Run the app. It will run on http://localhost:3000.

npm start

Built using:

  • @reach/router: v1.3.3,
  • react: v16.13.0,
  • react-dom: v16.13.0

Styled using:

  • Vanilla CSS