
A project to investigate the veracity of using OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi to count customers.

Primary LanguagePython

Project Notes

Initialized: Sat Oct 28 08:47:24 MDT 2017.

Project Description:

This project is inspired by a hack day held at Access 2017. The goal of the team that I joined was to build a device that could count customers that enter a library using a Raspberry Pi and OpenCV. Although we didn't manage to finish the project in 1 day, we came tantalizingly close. I thought I would resume the project on my own time because it is a computationally interesting task, I have never done anything with a Pi or OpenCV before. Besides selfish reasons, it turns out that a cheap, accurate, customer counting system is needed in public libraries. I hope this work will be instructive.


All scripts written by Andrew Nisbet for Edmonton Public Library, distributable by the enclosed license. OpenCV is covered by BSD license.

Repository Information:

This product is under version control using Git. Visit GitHub


Everything listed is merely a suggestion. I don't endorse any vendor or product especially.


  • Setup Raspberry Pi. There are plenty of good tutorials on line. I used the CanaKit Pi, and 'read the manual'.
  • Install the camera, again good tutorials on line, however there are some gotchas that are not completely explained. I found this tutorial the most useful.
  • TBD

Known Issues:

When compiling OpenCV 3.0 on the Raspberry Pi 3, some instructions say to use the make -j4 flag. This is meant to speed up compilation by instructing the compiler to use 4 cores. I found that, after 40 minutes of compute time, the process would terminate in an error. Instead I used the command make and after 80+ minutes the compilation finished successfully.
