
Simple Flutter app demonstrating Firebase Authentication using BloC pattern

Primary LanguageDart

Simple Flutter app for demonstrating Firebase Authentication using BloC pattern


  1. Firebase Login
  2. Firebase Signup with email and password
  3. Firebase Signup with Google Login
  4. Data persistent after login/signup (Using SQLite)
  5. BloC pattern implementation
  6. Multi language support (English and French)
    1. Note: It is known issue that multi language is not working in emulators.

Setup instructions

  1. Create new Firebase Project and register your app for Android and iOS from Firebase Console.
  2. Download google-services.json for Android and GoogleService-Info.plist and place them at android/app/ and ios/Runner/ directory respectively
  3. Change URL schema with your URL as shown in below screenshot inside ios\Runner\info.plist

Change in Info.plist

4. That's It!


  1. Text/SMS based login implementation.
  2. Firebase Analytics implementation
  3. More language support





Login - Fr