
Exploring the Impact of Cache Replacement Policies on System Performance: A Gem5 Simulation Approach

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Exploring the Impact of Cache Replacement Policies on System Performance: A Gem5 Simulation Approach

Instructions to run the project

  • Build the gem6 for x86 microprocessor
  • Place each of these files in the specific folders or edit the paths in required places
  • caches_level.py --> gem5/configs/learning_gem5/part1/
  • three_level_cache.py --> gem5/configs/learning_gem5/part1/
  • benchmarks/ --> gem5/configs/learning_gem5/part1/
  • run_script.sh --> gem5/
  • result_analysis.ipynb --> Place it in thw folder you get your output or refernece the resultant output.txt and output.csv from within the python notebook to create visualization and analyze the results.