
Entire legal chat app application in one repository

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


SenOR is a legal chatbot where you can come and get your queries related to Indian laws. Not every citizen of India has the access of the IPC acts, constitution, etc. , this chatbot brings everything at one place where you can ask the questions and get your answers. If you are not able able to understand the answers and want more information you can ask follow up questions. It has prominent court cases too.


Streamlit- To host our chatapp on streamlit cloud and to make interactive app with backend

PyPDFDirectory: To store our pdfs in a directory and access them

Langchain:This is a library used to interact with llm , provides multiple functions for effective and multiple use case of llms Gtts: to have a text to speech feature

FAISS cpu: To store our embedding vectors into our db

HuggingFace: To work with models - LLama3 , Lamini-LM

Model used


Lamini LM


Check out the live demo here
